Chapter one

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How are you

"Spay, aatee'
I'm good how about you

"Tazza cousin" I'm great cousin I greeted my cousin I was about to go until he stopped me on my tracks while getting cold water for him from the fridge, my mum came in a minute later and greeted him I was about to go again until my mum called me back and asked if I could make tea so I thought why not help her she's done a lot today might as well help with making tea.

"Ha cousin mori mo eth mo lath"
So cousin tell me what there is what there isn't going on.

Him being my first cousin is irritable expect lots and lots of interrogation from him.

"Not much cuz I better go I have lots of studies to do" I smiled back at him before I left without hearing his reply.

Daily life routine was my studies and internet oh how much I loath someone interrupting during this time I answered my sister who was starting to give me a long death stare.


"Do you have ears?"

"Sorry..I'm checking Twitter...what's wrong...why are you angry at me" If looks could kill she would gladly murder me.

"Nothing just go back to your boyfriend"

"Wait...what's wrong" I asked worried she's never this angry okay scratch that too angry for me to be so concerned I moved to the other side of the room sitting on her bed looking at her teary eyes.

"What's wrong you're worrying me now please talk" I felt like I was going to cry seeing the hurt in her teary eyes. "Please don't be sad I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore you sis-" I was about to continue when she cut me off and said what I'd never her ever say.

"I got involved with the police"

I was shocked but also nearly going to cry what happened that made her get involved with the police. My hurt clutched at her being involved in something serious.

"What do you mean, what happen, did someone hurt you or did something" before I could continue she cut me off again.

"He did this to me..."

So that's chapter two :)

Who ever read this hope you enjoy it so far.

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