Chapter five

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"Fifteen missed calls" I went to check my call history it was Michael why did he call me so many times did something happen? Is he okay? Did someone die? Did he win tickets for a trip as he promised that one day we would go to Europe together? Why did he call me so many times? Odd very odd Most importantly why fifteen missed calls!??

I decide to stop thinking of stupid possibilities of him leaving so many missed calls and decide to call him he picked up on the third ring "hey I just got your missed calls-- I was taking a shower sorry" I wanted to add and why the hell you left fifteen missed calls but I tried my best to stay calm I really did.

"Guess what Mia" he seriously knows how to burst my bubble I was getting agitated at his little request so I replied rudely "what" I heard him laugh from the other end "I said guess spoongy not ask" I want to sigh deeply and just throw my phone on my table and just sleep I've been hours at school why people around me can not understand that "so you won't guess won't you" I went silent then replied "we are going to Hawaii"

I heard him laugh hysterically "oh how I wish that to be true, actually it's something better than that" I went silent again then replied as if I'm so interested "let me guess you won the lottery" he sighed "I wish that too but trust me when I say this it's heaps better than winning lottery" I stayed silent and confused not forgetting to mention very sleepy "Mic I give up" I sighed and accepted the defeat of uselessly guessing with my friend.

"My brother has opened up a cafe near....well your area and he is looking for workers...I thought to tell you since you've been annoying me about finding work for you" did I hear him right or did I doze off in a very beautiful dream then I heard him call out from the other end and I realised I wasn't dreaming this is like the best news ever finally I get away from home and my mum telling me to do chores around the house this is perfect "have I ever declined your offers" I smiled to myself oh so happily I can't wait to start I mentally thought.

Mic laughed and beamed loudly to the point I had to take my phone away from my ear and sigh before I returned it back "great I'll send you the address"

I closed my phone and waited his message then my phone vibrated and I read the message

'44 kerighton hills 7717'

Can't wait to begin I said to myself happily.

What could possibly go wrong?

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