Chapter twenty-eight

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"Here hope you like these"

He eyed me intensely made a cold sensation build up in my back to my ears from fear of doing the wrong thing or giving something that he wasn't happy about.


"Aren't you going to look at them"

"Undress me if you want me in them"

I looked at him I didn't know what to say or do I picked up the material in my hands giving it to him my heartbeat started to accelerate crazy I felt I was going to have a heart attack because of him. He's really really scaring me and I'm hating every moment spending it here.

"You heard me've gone deaf for the time I left you"

"I can't do.....can't do tha-" I was cut off with a clicking sound of his gun.

I'm going to die!

"Do as your told now"

I stared at him blankly blinking my eyes mouth dry from lack of air from this room I was going to die definitely but not with a gun I was going to die because of bad hospitality I was going to starve to death.

"Down on your knees"

I did just that he took the clothes off my hands impulsively I looked at the soft carpet I bet it was as soft as it looked the stupid urge to feel the carpet started to jump with curiosity.

"Look at me" he brought my face up with his left hand focusing straight at me like he really could see through me for some reason.

I heard a zipper being pulled down as I looked at him for a moment still his eyes focusing on me he didn't move his hand from my face it still held my head up for his view.

"Have some food while I get dressed"

Left awkwardly I tired to process the whole situation though it was causing me major headaches so I left it and decide to indulge in the food he set for me on the lamp table next to his bed it was really warm delicious I appreciated that he didn't let me starve to death very genuine of him.

"I like your taste" he walked out off the bathroom with the clothes I gave him earlier he really had a nice figure model like when he wore clothes it fitted him perfectly absolutely flawless.

"I just did my research that's all"

"In my wardrobe"

"Where else would I get my inspiration" I slightly teased but then frowned when he eyed me for minutes longer than usual then walked out on me




I sighed my hard work paid off yet I still don't know the clear reason why I'm here I know it's got to be because of those two but there's more too it than meets the eye curiosity really gets the best of me I want to know why he needs me in the story, is it that significant to have me held captive by this man.


Then it hit me I completely understand Blondie's intention now he had me here as a bate to bring them closer to him I owe him smart move on his part I just hope that he doesn't kill those two gush why do I attract trouble I sighed and lied down on the comfortable bed I wish I could just zone out for a minute maybe a day, week or forever.

This was going to get worse I'm starting to feel something bad going to happen.

"All done" I was snapped out off my reverie to face Blondie standing in front of me I quickly got off the bed holding my poor tired posture slumping like a camel back except camels looked natural but I was like wanabe.

"What's wrong with your back"

"What back"

"Your back" he noticed and he would probably most likely point a gun at me again telling me to fucking speak! I was not in the mood to argue or start problems so I just walked past him.

"You're welcome for the clothes....oh the chicken and rice were great....took me time to find your stupid sowing machine...apparently as your housekeeper put it that it was in the effing's a damn sowing machine have some decency....oh and the clothes I left in the bag you need to throw them away or give them to have really nice carpet...very well kept....I'm really thirsty....I'll just drink some water and nap....if you need anything I'll just rest for like three hours until I feel physically capable to do other favors" I threw myself on the couch damn my eyes felt like closing it was comfortable I absorbed the moment because I knew it wouldn't last long.

"You'll get cold here" he rubbed my back but I ignored him with my face completely planted into the comfy cushion.

"Get up you'll be more comfortable in my bed" I kept ignoring him I really was effing happy where I was why does he have to be so hot headed just leave me on the effing couch.

"No I'm comfortable leave me"

"You'll get cold here"

"I don't care"

"Just get the fuck up"

"Why are you so fucking persistent" I got up angry he just completely ruined my mood to sleep now I'll get headaches all day because off lack sleep.

"Good girl stand up now" he was talking to me like a father, honestly his demented I just got up and slouched in pain

"Fucking hell" he smiled at me like a psychopath walking ahead of me I wish I could wipe that smirk off his face.

"Throw yourself on my bed"

"You throw yourself on your bed"

"Are you sure about that"

"I liked the couch you came and separated us"

"You'd freeze there"

"On a couch"

"With no blanket"

"Well it's a house don't you have those resources for your hostages"



"You came because I need your help"

"You fucking shoved me in your car then we went on a scary fun ride because other psychopath men were chasing as in a game of hit I score I win you die kind a shit"

"I didn't mean for that to happen"

"I guess I'm stuck here against my will" I toke the opposite side to him I put my head on the pillow so soft and comfy.

I felt a hand crease my back slowly gently moving up and down making me feel sleeper on the bed but I didn't only like the sensation I wanted it to continue.
"Where does it hurt"

"All the way up and down" I murmured in a sleepy voice

Was it me or did I just feel somehow my top being pulled up by someone and by someone I flinched moving up but I was gently pushed back to the bed facing the comfortable pillow.

"Just relax okay" I felt my bra come undone then fall of from the sides.

"What are you doing"

"Just trust me okay"

"Fine" I groaned out then threw my head back on the pillow I felt something drip on my back then rubbed around in circles.

"It's massaging oil" he continued to massage my back it felt really good his hands were manly in massaging but very soft when they touched against my skin it was the first massage I got from a stranger who was a man.

"Rest might want to sleep without so much on you'll be more comfortable... I'll be in my office if you need me"

Once he left I took my short shorts down folding the bra and dress placing on left side of the lamp table then tugged at the blanket around me closing my eyes finally at peace so relaxing I pureed out as I felt I was taken to a beautiful place a place that only exists for me 'my paradise' a place where there were no rules no restriction or drama any bad people existing it was a dreamy place that created anything, made the impossible possible, it's the best place to visit when you have trouble or worries accepted that you're not perfect but still let you fit perfectly in.

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