Chapter twenty-nine

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[Playing the YouTube song in the background is completely the readers choice]

A hand touched me gently brushing against my revealing skin my eyes fluttered to wake up to a man's hands that creased every part gently I could see the hunger he had in the depth of his eyes I stared at him he smiled and kissed me on the lips I felt his hands further up to my chest my body shivered from every little delight he gave me.

"Wake up" I was shaken by someone.

"What the hell happened" I woke up my heart beating fast at the sudden wake up call.

"You're naked"


"I don't mind the view"

"You're a disgrace"

"The blanket was down the time you were sleeping"

"Oh my God"

"It lasted longer than the three seconds now"

"You are disgusting"

"Totally worth the peak"

"Fucking disgusting" I put the blanket over my head and stayed underneath it.

"You were moaning when I came in....didn't touch yourself though would have enjoyed seeing that I was tempted"

"You're a pig go get your self a cow"

"I prefer beautiful rare unicorn because well I consider myself as a horse the powerful the strong saving the pretty unicorn becoming the hero then living forever with the unicorn"

"Are you high"

"Not right now no"

"Why you talking about effing unicorns and horses"

"Its a catchy story line"

"Stick to your kind and let the unicorns be"

"Why they're actually interesting"

"Are you indirectly saying horses are plain*

"Here got these and coffee"


"You do realise that it's morning" he took one of the donuts taking a bite from it and sat beside me.

"Of course I do"

"Wait I slept all day yesterday...why didn't you wake me up" I dropped my food sipping on the nice warm coffee.

"You were having headaches you didn't shut up the whole time about it so you sleeping brought me some peace of mind in my house.

"I'm actually fun when you do meet me the right way"


"Trust me"

"Once upon a time"

"Oh yeah...what changed"


I looked at him I hardly felt anything around him he truly hid his emotions well that I felt numb around his presence besides the migraines I kept getting. He was definitely a sensitive type gush I feel bad for him and I don't know why, I remember my mum telling me that the most people who stand strong are those who keep falling but no one notices no one helps. It completely breaks my heart to see people suffer in general no one should go through those things but you can't stop them from happening unfortunately, can't stop bad thing's from happening.

"Are you going to eat those donuts" he reached for the takeaway donuts I looked at him then back at my nearly half sipped coffee.

"Do you want one" I shook my head making my way to the bathroom because I knew if I would speak I'd start crying and become a massive over emotional freak with him.

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