||Chapter 20||

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Laura's POV;

I woke up and yawn. I move my hand a little and I feel a hard chest. I quickly look at my right and sigh in relief that it was only Ross.

I close my eyes once again, trying to go back to sleep but soon feel lips linger on my forehead.

I smiled and opened by eyes, only to see Ross with his eyes closed while a small smile crept his face.

"Good morning," I said and he quickly opens his eyes. "Hey," he greeted. I looked over at his bed and see Rydel there sleeping peacefully.

"What happened to your bed? Couldn't you just have slept in it and let Rydel sleep next to me, I wouldn't mind."

He shakes his head, "Rydel covered my sheets in blood." He said and sighed. I giggled. "If they find out I have two girls in my dorm they would kick me out.. They would probably think the negative.." He stated and I giggle.

"Yea.. I'm hungry."

He nodded, "I'll go change and get us something to eat." He quickly pecked my lips and stood up.

I sigh as I look at my phone. A text from Vanessa..

'Hey sis. We haven't talked in a while.. How's everything going?'

I smiled weakly and quickly reply.

'Everything's great. No one really knows I'm a girl, except Ross, he's my roommate 😝 Crazy, right? We are a couple now.'

I smile once again at my phone and put it down on the table.

I laid down on the bed again and look at Ross coming out from the bathroom. "Wanna go somewhere to eat? We barely go out.." He suggested.

I nodded and stood up.

Ross woke Rydel up while I was changing in the bathroom. I got out and see Ross staring at me. "What?"

"You're the sexiest boy I've ever seen." He joked around. I rolled my eyes as Rydel laughed hysterically.

//Page Break//

"So who's visiting us next?" Ross asked while putting his fork down. Rydel shrugged, "Riker, I guess." Ross nods and I smile. "Yay! Riker's pretty cute.." I giggle at Ross who's fuming with anger.

"I'm better!" He argued which made me laugh. "I don't know Ross.. I think Riker's better.." I jokingly said.

Ross gasped, "No way! Plus, I'm your boyfriend!"

Rydel raised her eyebrows at us and I chuckle. "Yea, I think I just got confused when you asked me out. I thought you were Riker! Oops!" I laughed at myself. I didn't even make that believable!

Yet again, he's so gullible.

Ross stood up angrily and stormed out of the here. I bit my lip shamefully as Rydel shakes her head at me, "That's just sad.."

"I didn't mean to make him mad! I was just playing around! I don't like Riker." I explained and she nodded, "Oh I know, your little act wasn't that good.. Yet again, he's so gullible."

I rolled my eyes. She repeated my thought!

We both went back to Ross' dorm to see no Ross there. I sigh as I sat on his bed. I tried calling him but he won't answer! Is he that mad at me?

I hear the door open and I bright up looking up. I frown, it's just Rydel...

"Couldn't find him.." She said as she sat next to me. I sigh and look down again. I feel her walk away and she goes to the kitchen.

2 hours pass and I'm still sitting on his bed. Where could he be? I admit, I might've took the Riker thing a bit too far..

I suddenly hear the door open and I look up to see Ross. I smile as I stood up to hug him.

"I'm sorry.." I breathed out. He sighed as I frown because he didn't hug me back. I let go of him and he sits on his bed. Huh, the silent treatment, I guess..

"Ross, I was just joking around. I don't like Riker, my eyes only see you and me."

He looks at me and I sit down next to him. He doesn't speak, but just wraps his arm around me.

"The silent treatment, aye? If you don't speak to me now, I will not kiss you for a week," I threatened.

I saw him smile lightly, "Promise?" I gasp as he laughs, "I'm kidding!" He kisses my cheek as I roll my eyes.

"Oh now you speak to me?" I turn my head and scoot away from him while crossing my arms. I heard him lightly chuckle at me.

After a moment, I felt hot breath in my neck. "I love you," He said as he kissed my neck gently.

As much as I want to grab him by the collar and pin him to the wall and kiss him roughly, I can't. I'm mad at him, he can't make me forgive him.

Because I wouldn't budge, he wrapped his arms around my neck so now he is back-hugging me, if that makes sense.

"Kiss me.." He whispered in my ear, shock feels ran through my body as he breathed in my neck.

I closed my eyes, wanting him to leave me alone right now.

"Do it now or never.." I bit my lip and turn around. He smirked, knowing he had won this battle.

I rolled my eyes and grab him by the collar, pulling him to me, so he can shut up and kiss me.

"I totally won that, admit it, you can't resist me." He whispered. I roll my eyes, knowing he was right.

"Just shut up and kiss me."


Hey KitKats!

Who heard about Riker's Tattoo? He doesn't have one, but he promised he will get one if one of their concerts in a L.A get's sold out...

Do you think it will? 😱

Anyways, so sorry, but I gotta go..


You know what I love that makes me giggle? That if I follow some of you or reply to you or something, you freak out 😜 Like I'm some famous person!

But it's cute, I like it 😘

That has happened way to many times!


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