Chapter 18 ❤️

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Alyssa walked ahead of us, while Cam was running back to his cabin to get his bathing suit, since he forgot it was our turn in the lake. Alyssa looked so lost without him, yet so pissed at the same time when she exchanged glances with us accidentally and both emotions really scared me. That's why I kept my head low and tried to look away quickly when I ended up unconsciously staring in that direction.

"We usually have a bonfire and do a little fireworks with the park rangers who come down here," Jackie responds and I look over at Alyssa who looked back at me. My heart panics but my brain freezes and I continue to stare at her. Alyssa gives me a small smile and I swear I imagined it. Looking left and right, I check to see if anyone's behind me that's she's maybe smiling at. There's no one. I smile back, shocked that she was being so friendly, and she turned away. "-his name's Kenny and he's so hot."

Wait, Kenny? I ask myself. I literally spaced out for a second and now she's talking about some random hot guy? Weren't we talking about the 4th of July? "What?" I ask, still slightly dazed. Who was Kenny and when did we start talking about him?

"The park ranger's son. Kenny. he's hot and he'll be here tomorrow. He usually hangs out with us while his Dad and the other Rangers talk to the kids about fire safety and crap. I think it's supposed to come in handy while the kids are lighting the fireworks." We finally arrived at the lake and the kids began screaming. I understand that it's hot, but they're acting like they've never seen water before.

"Don't run!" I tell them once they see the beach and begin sprinting and pushing each other out of the way. No change is made and I give up, slipping off my shoes once we were close enough to the shore. "If this is how they react to seeing water, I'm scared to see how they'll act seeing fire." I continue to watch as the campers dump their beach gear and race into the lake, splashing and fighting the whole way in. Wow Kids are psychotic.

"I would not want to see that either," Jackie says as her eyes go wide and I look over at her.

"Wait," I pause, wondering if I heard her wrong. "Do you know how they act when they see fireworks? Because you said you wouldn't want to see that but if you were with them..."

"Oh God no!" Jackie exclaims, grabbing onto my shoulder. "Cass, I have the rest of my life to spend time with children, and I wanna spend time with people my age now."

I nod, since she had a point. Yeah I was a little bummed that we aren't gonna do fireworks too, but I didn't really want to spend time with kids either so whatever. "What do you usually do then?" I ask curiously.

Jackie shrugs and sits down on her beach towel. After taking off her slip, she laid back against the cloth and made little noticeable adjustments to get comfortable. "We usually just sneak off into the woods since we have to be back before midnight. If we go too far my Dad will be mad and no one lives close enough for us to be back so quickly."

I dropped my towel on the sand and kicked it into place. I sat criss-cross on the towel, but was a bit more hesitant to take my top off to reveal my bathing suit. There wasn't anything that I was really insecure about, but just in comparison to Jackie, who didn't hesitate to strip down to her bikini-and looked super awesome in too-I had to think twice.

Remembering that I didn't care what anyone here thought, I peeled off my counselors shirt. Who cares if I'm not as fit as Jackie? Why should my body affect others view on me? Why should my exercising or eating habits affect how people took in my personality? Why should-

"Shit," Cam cursed as he walked by and accidentally dropped his hat by me.

I immediately panicked and brought my knees up to my chest, forgetting every self motivating thought I previously had. Oh God do you think he saw me and Jackie here? Hopefully he didn't see her then me. Actually I hope he didn't see me at all. Actually I hope he didn't see either of us, my brain cried.

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