The Ousiders 3

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- "My names Ponyboy, and I have a brother named Sodapop."

"Wow, interesting names... I LOVE THEM!!1!1!1"

-A lot of things are out of date

"I slipped on my ugg boots and made my way to the Curtis household to stay there for another few weeks because my Mom told me to do the dishes.

I think she was drunk again.

But anyways I pulled out my iPhone 8b and text pony that I was going to be there in 2.7 seconds."

-Why does the girl never wear her hair in a ponytail?

-Apparently, it's illegal to date Steve Darry or Johnny

I would like to ship all my feelings to the other side of the world, please and thank you.

-*inserts rumble into every chapter to make it dramatic*

-Bob, most of the time, is drunk and rapes the girl at the beginning of the book.

stealing virginities since 1900

-If Dally cheats, it's with Cherry.

-The only hangout spots are at the lot, dingo, drive in, or Curtis hotel.

Get on the bus,

and let's drive you to creativity.

-The girl is a hardcore, ruff n tuff greaser, yet when she pulls out a switchblade, the boys swoon and are memorized because she's a girl with a switchblade

- This one is about all stories and is kinda serious.

The author is never has the girl as multi cultural. Madison is always white with blonde or brown hair. Never Hispanic, or African American or Chinese etc.

- The only clothing that is described is a jean/ leather jacket

I wonder what the 107 degree weather has to say about this


To the people who thought I was rude a few chapters back


im serious, if someone is butthurt or has a problem about one of the things that I pointed out, just message and I'll be happy to apologize and take out whatever I said

you all are my best friends lol

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