"You shouldn't be up so bright and early Cec, my head hurts so bad urgh."

I laughed as he rolled over and I turned the AC down a little as it was cold in the living room. As I stepped outside the sun hit me like a shot at the doctors, fast and painful. Fuck my head, its too bright I need to go hide in a dark hole somewhere.  I trudged over to the boat house and saw James standing there with his arms spread like Jesus with a big smile saying,

"Welcome aboard my vessel babe."

He reached  his hand out towards me and I took it before placing the food and drink on the side. I popped a couple advil into my hand.

"Open your mouth."

James laughed,

"Ohh kinky Cec I like where this is going."

I laughed before chucking an advil into his mouth both of us cheered in delight as I made it in one throw. I swallowed mine as James pulled out the boat house. 

As we were jetting across the lake I could see young kids out swimming and doing water sports and it made me remember times when our foster parents would take us all to Lake Jerro to have a small trip. Thats where I learnt to water ski. We dropped the anchor and the boat engine cut as we lay still on the flat lake. James moved to sit next to me and put his arm around me.

"Ew no, J you're too sticky and hot don't touch me."

His face lit up as he saw my annoyance and continued to smother me and kiss me, I laughed but tried to push him off. We were at the front of the boat and with on swift kick I managed to push him a little too close to the side and he was in. The spray from his fall grazed my skin and it was shockingly cold.


He shouted as he resurfaced spitting water out from his mouth,

"Cold, cold, cold, so so cold Cecily!"

I laughed so much and began to pull the ladder up.

"Cecily no stop put it back in, its so cold."

I waved at him before returning to the front of the boat.

"Big mistake Miss Miller. You're coming in!" 

He splashed me from the water and my caftan was soaked. I quickly pulled it off and laid it in the covered bit of the boat to prevent it getting more wet.

"You're going to have to try and get me in then Mr teach aren't you."

I gave him a sulky yet seductive look which he returned by biting his lip through a harsh, sexy smile.

"The things you do to me Cecily, you have no idea." 

He lurched upwards and grabbed onto the railings of the boat and began to pull himself on. I had nowhere to run and began to laugh but my heart was racing. This is so exhilarating, a simple flirtatious joke and my heart is racing.  He suddenly slithered on to the foamy seating and then he winced, he looked down at his chest and it revealed a small graze wound from the railings.

"Look what you did to me!"

I was genuinely having so much fun, alone, like children in love. James was laughing so much, its the happiest I have ever seen him. He took big steps towards me in a crab like way before picking me up. He was so wet and cold compared to my warm sun kissed skin. I tried to fight him off but I couldn't. He walked down the decking to the side and jumped still clinging to me. I swallowed half the lake and when I came up I was coughing and spluttering while still laughing.

"James, I'm going to drown help me!"

I was still laughing as was he before he kissed me hard on the lips. The way he kissed me today was so passionate and loving. I felt it through my whole body.

Till next timeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat