Chapter 23

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Waking up on the day of a footie match is always nerve wrecking. It's extra nerve wrecking for me today since I know all I will be able to do is stand by the side and hope that the others can do this. My foot has been hurting so bad and the only person I can blame is me. I groan and sit up in bed. 

"Niall! Get up! It's half eleven already!" I hear my mother shouting for me and I roll my eyes. My mood is so pissy today, but I'm so nervous about the game. Also I know I have to face Harry and Luke today and all I ever do when I see them together is hurt. My heart aches whenever I see them and when they kissed right in front of my eyes I just had to get away. 

It's not like things got better the following day because I was dumb enough to crawl back to Julia, in an attempt to make Harry angry or jealous, any kind of reaction to be honest. But no. He didn't say a word. He didn't even come up to me to ask what had happened to my foot. I keep pushing him away, unintentionally of course. It's just something I've gotten used to. Pushing him away. 

After seeing Luke pick Harry up after school last Monday I had angrily sent a text to Harry asking him about Luke. I had impatiently waited for one and a half hour for his reply. And when it did pop up on my screen, it was a lie. He replied telling me that him and Luke are 'just friends'. Since when does friends kiss each other like that? 

In his text he also asked how I could back to Julia, which was a question I, too, was asking. After receiving his text I had no energy to keep spending time with Julia anymore so I simply told her I needed to leave. This caused her to yell at me and she told me I needed to make up my mind about us. I shook my head and told her that I didn't want to be with her and that I never had. 

After that she threw me out, which was understandable.

I grab my crutches and start to clumsily make my way to the kitchen. I can get dressed after breakfast. No big deal. 

Yesterday I made the huge mistake to fucking try to walk without crutches because I thought that my foot was fine again. But of course it hurts even more now. It's so fucking typical that I mess my foot up the week that we have the most important game this season. 

I sigh and shake my head before opening the fridge and taking out a carton of yogurt. If Harry was here now he would tut and shake his head. Then he would ask me how I can refrain from eating cereal since it's 'the only acceptable breakfast food except pancakes'. I smile at how well I know him, because I do know him very well. I think I'm the one who knows him the best in the entire world. I know that boy in and out. You could wake me in the middle of the night and ask me anything about him and I'd most likely know the answer. 

I grab an empty bowl from the cabinet and pour yogurt in it. Before walking over to the dining table I put the yogurt back in the fridge. 

As I sit by the table and eat I receive a text message. 

From: LiLiiiii 
Hi Ni! How's the foot? :)

With a sigh I type in a reply to him. 

To: LiLiiiii
It's not good :( Hope you'll win the game without me ! 

I put away my phone in the same minute as Greg walks in and sits down opposite of me. 

"How are you?" he asks me and I shrug. 

"It's a bummer that I can't play the game tonight, but I still get nerves." I tell him and he laughs at me. I roll my eyes at him and keep eating my vanilla flavored yogurt. 

"Do you think they'll win without you?" he asks curiously and I sigh. To be honest, I'm doubting it. Not to sound cocky or anything I just feel like they might not be able to win because the other team is really really good. They've always won before, what are the odds that they will lose this time? 

Anything to keep you [n.h + h.s]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora