Part Thirty

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Global POV

Zayn looks at Niall, tears in his blue eyes. He had loose control for this blue eyes.

Niall: Look at your hands !

Zayn's hands were red and skinned, while James's body was lying on the floor, struggling to stand up.
Zayn directly turns to Niall, not even giving a look to James.

Zayn: Are you alright ? Are you hurted ??

James: Ahh...

Zayn: Shut up !

Zayn gives James a bloody scary stare as his punchs tightened already. Niall had to say something before the two fight again. He had to take care of Zayn, and obviously James too.

Niall: No...I'm going to look for someone to help him and take my car keys to drive you home, wait on me at my car please Zayn.

Niall runs to Louis while Zayn hits James one more time and went to Niall's car. He had to be fast if he doesn't want to find out James's dead body. This though makes him giggle because it was excessive but then he remembered Zayn's stare and looked harder for Louis.
Niall finally found him dancing with Cecilia. Damn he didn't wanted to mess up their moment ! But this was emergency.

Niall: Louis !! I need you ! James began to kiss me and didn't want to stop and Zayn came out of nowhere and punched him and--

Louis: Whaaaat ?? Where is him ?

Louis had cut his words, Niall was completely freaking out.

Niall: Zayn is waiting at my car--

Louis: No no ! James ! Where is James ?

Niall: Next to the enter door, lying on the floor.

Louis: Fine ! Then I'm taking care of him.

Louis and Cecilia went out of the dance floor.

Cecilia: Louis wait I'm coming with you ...

Louis: Oh ! That's nice ! Yeah common

Louis takes Cecilia's hand and they go to find James. It was actually a relief. Louis didn't picture to spend the rest of the night alone with James and Cecilia was his crush so it was perfect. They could have a moment just together.
They quickly arrive to where James was.

Cecilia: OMG ! James, look how you are ! What did you done ??

James: I-I'm ... ah... Please take me somewhere ...

Louis: Common let's take him to the hospital ...

After driving to the hospital in Louis's car, they call for help and lift James up.

Once James in a bed at the emergency, Louis looks at Cecilia. Even worried she was beautiful.

Louis: Thanks for tonight, to helping me with this idiot, you shouldn't have.

Cecilia: It's nothing, I-I would do anything for you...
He could sees her cheeks blush and her lips curve into a cute smile.

Louis: Then thanks...

Louis slowly approachs his head to Cecilia's, cups her face and gently kiss her.

Niall went to the cloakroom, and took his keys. He gets into the car with Zayn and begins to drive to Zayn's house.


So here we are, one of the last part of this fiction.
I'm trying to post another part tonight because I'm leaving tomorrow for an entire week and I won't be able to update BC there is no WiFi where I'm gonna be (again)

Also I'd like to thank the IG account @ziallshipper_ because I took every picture of media on her/his account, so looooove u


I hope you will enjoy the last parts of this fiction, I love u all like really love you guys


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