Tyler, Cael and I exchanged glances. On instinct, the three of us began filing out of the room, with everyone else following behind us. It wouldn't be long until hunters rushed into the room.

The wolves that had been assigned to shift during training shifted into their wolf forms growling slightly as the scent of the hunters grew stronger and more prominent.

My heart hammered wildly within my chest and I could just about hear the blood rushing through my ears. But it only filled me with more adrenaline, we had no other choice but to fight.

"When the hunters attack, Lila, your team and Cael's — you'll kill off anyone who comes near or threatens you. My team, we'll stay here and hold them off." Tyler instructed, his voice stern and unwavering.

I gasped when three hunters appeared at the end of the hall, all sporting leather jackets, their weapons dangling from the waistband of their pants. Their eyes widened as they caught sight of us, clumsily fumbling for their guns. In less than ten seconds, their bodies had been mauled apart by my team.

Hunters charged towards us from the other end of the hall, filing out from the stairwell and the elevator. All of them armed with guns and and silver daggers.

We ran forward, the ones in their wolf forms ripping the hunters apart while I slashed my dagger through the ones that charged towards me.

A woman bolted towards me, her dark eyes fiery with determination. A large sword sat in her hand as she approached me. She raised her hands, bringing the sword down towards me.

I brought my own dagger up, intercepting it from slicing through my head. My feet staggered back a few steps from the momentum and my back slammed against the wall, knocking the air out of me momentarily. She raised her arm again in preparation to bring it down on me again.

There was a dark flash, and within a split second she was tackled to the ground. Her sword was knocked out of her hand, screeching as it slid a few meters down the hall.

A large wolf — larger than any I'd seen before — hovered over her. It growled, digging a claw into her chest.

She gasped staring at it with wide eyes, her mouth hung open. In moments her body fell limp on the floor, blood spewing out of the holes in her chest.

The black wolf turned back, panting slightly when our eyes made contact. I was met with a pair of piercing blue eyes.


"T-thanks." I finally found my voice again, pushing myself off the wall. He only nodded before he spun around, sprinting down the hall.

I turned hack to the seven others, nodding my head towards the rooms down the hall. I knocked open the door with a kick and bolted inside.

There was a woman, her eyes enlarged as she clutched a gun in her shaky hands. They shook so much, the gun bounced up and down.

She hadn't killed anyone before.

I had the same look before I killed a rogue for the first time. Killing changes you — you become stone cold to push away all feelings of remorse.

A loud bang sounded when the woman pulled the trigger, the bullet skimmed past me, barely missing my shoulder before it lodged into the wall.

I sprung forward without waiting another second, sliding my knife across her throat mid air. Her blood splattered onto the wall behind me.

My stomach sank as her body fell to the ground, just as much as it sunk every time I ended someone's life.

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