Chapter 24

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Step number three! Get a boyfriend, you see if I start to like someone else I can slowly stop loving Dick this plan is fool proof I can just feel it!

"Whoa there Charlie!" I heard my dad yell through the house making me stop in my tracks with wide eyes.

Shot and I was so close to sneaking out.

"Yes daddy?" I said putting on my sweetest smile possible while turning around seeing Bruce and Dick standing there both giving me a raised brow.

"Where are you off to all dressed up," Dick said with a slight frown on his face.

"Just places with a person none of your concern boys, go back to doing what ever you were doing before you decided to interrogate me about what I was doing," I said quickly with a smile and made a go for the door.

"Nah ah young lady. Even if you talk faster and repeat a lot of words doesn't mean I'm going to be confused and let you just leave," Bruce said crossing his arms giving me a look. "I invited that. Now tell me where are you off to,"

Taking a deep breath I turned back around. "Well daddy I have a date,"

I stood there for a moment waiting.




"A DATE!" Dick and Bruce yelled together. After that they both kept trying to talk over the other while I waited for them to calm down which took another minute or two.

"Are you both done freaking out?" I said with a raised eye brow watching as they both had mental break downs. Taking their silence to my advantage I started to speak. "Yes I am going on a date we are going to go and get ice cream that's it. I'll be gone a hour tops and Alfred is taking me,"

"Wait you told Alfred but not us,"

"Of course, I tell Alfred everything,"

"It's true she does," the Englishman said as he pulled on his jacket and grabbed his keys. "We'll miss Charlie we best be off or we might be late to meet Chad at the parlor," Alfred said briskly.

"Chad? Really Charlie, Chad!" Dick said with wide eyes. "The guys a total tool!"

"Oh calm down he's nice to me," I said with an eye roll.

"I haven't even meet the boy I don't think you should be going,"

"By meet you mean been able to stalk him and find every little thing about him, and this isn't the 1600's daddy people do this. Now boys I am off don't wait up on me," I said with a wink before flouncing out the door leaving the two with slack jaws.

Hopping in the car Alfred speed off towards the ice cream parlor muttering about being tarty and how it was rude. Pulling in quickly I scooted out with a 'thank you' and a 'I'll text you when I need to go' I skipped into the shop.

"Hey Chad," I called as I walked into the ice cream parlor seeing the blonde headed boy sitting at one of the tables. He shot me a bright smile while standing up to walk over to me.

Chad was the stereotypical boy next door. He was on the football team had nice green eyes and dimples that could shelter a population. He was a year ahead of me and had a car so that was pretty cool I guess.

"Hey Charlie!" He said wrapping me up in a hug which I returned half heartedly. "I was wondering if you might have stood me up," he joked but there was an off look in his eyes that I momentarily decided to shove to the back of my brain.

"Only," I paused looking at my phone, "ten minutes late. Sorry my Dad is a bit over protective," I said with a shrug. "Wanna order?"

"Sure," throwing an arm over my shoulder he smiled down at me. "What would the lady like?" Dick wouldn't have had to ask me what I liked he would have kno- no no no I'm supposed to be not thinking about him. Think of Chad, think of Chad.

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