Chapter 14

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"Charlotte what are you doing?" Dick said as he watched me try to walk in Bruce's much larger and much heavier suit.

"I'm trying to be batman," I said in a duh tone. "Now act like the joker so I can kick your butt," I announced before I got tangled in the cape and landed on the matts we were standing on. "Never mind," I said but it was muffled in the cape.

"I think you should stick to being tweety," he stated as he helped me untangle the suit and pulling me out of it so I now sat with a pout. "Besides batman is supposed to be a man," he joked nudging my shoulder as he plopped next to me.

"Not a pretty girl," he stated before a blush took over his cheeks.

"You think I'm pretty," I said with a grin. Jumping forward I wrapped my arms around him hugging him. "Thanks Dick," releasing him I saw his face was the color of a ripe tomato and giggled softly.

"Well I've got English homework to do so I'll be in my room if you need me," I said dusting myself off before exiting the cave. Walking through the kitchen I grabbed the popcorn that Alfred had just made for me. "Gramps are you psychic?" I said popping one in my mouth.

"No Charlotte I just know you study better when you eat this trash," he said wrinkling his nose at the buttery treat. Shrugging I took the bowl to my room and started my homework on my bed. Not even five minutes later did Dick walk in with his bag. Walking over he plopped on the large bed next to me.

"What's up?"

"I wanted popcorn," he said with a crooked grin that I had come to love so much over the past two years that we had known each other. At the age of ten I knew I was completely on 'like' with Dick Grayson. I was amazing at hiding it if I do say so myself.

"So when we're all done with this do you wanna see if Bruce will let us patrol tonight," I said throwing a piece of popcorn into his open mouth as we gave little hoots of victory.

"Ya! I've been dying to get shot at all week," Dick said sarcastically making me laugh. We both buckled down on our homework after a few more minutes of playful banter and hour later it was around 7 o'clock which mention Bruce would be home soon from the office have dinner and then patrol, the basic Friday night routine.

The front door down stairs was heard making us snap up from the couch we had inhabited while waiting for him to return.

"Daddy!" I said with a smile bounding over to him wrapping my thin arms around his large frame not fully making it around.

"What do you want?" He playfully asked knowing my tone of voice meant that I wanted something.

"Well Dick and I finished our homework,"

"And our rooms are clean," Dick added

"Were also are basically perfect children," I said as an after thought. "So we wanted to know if we could go patrol with you," he thought about if for a second before a small smile came to his lips.

"I suppose you two can go," he said making us both tackle him in a hug.

"Thank you!" Dick and I shouted together before running to the kitchen where Alfred had announced that food was ready.

We are in record speed but bruce seemed to not know that we wanted to go so bad because he slowly are everything even getting seconds and then desert with a little smirk plastered on his lips.

Finally he was finished and we all made our way to the cave suiting up for patrol. Grabbing my utility belt I ran to the bat mobile hopping in landing in the back next to Dick.

It didn't take us long to park the bat mobile and start swinging from building to building till we got to an abandoned wear house were someone had reported odd behavior. Swinging through one of the open windows we looked down through the rafters. Below us was a group of girls maybe 16 all being pushed towards a large shipping crate. Tears covered their cheeks while men pushed them in.

"Move it bitch," one of the men shouted as a girl stumbled slightly trying to tear away from his grip. Pulling his gun back he smacked her across the face making her fall to the ground. "Get up," he shouted pointing his gun at her.

Not thinking I jumped into action grappling down and kicking the man in to the wall crouching in front of the injured girl. It was silent for a moment till all that you heard was yells. Robin and batman jumped down as well taking on the men as I ran to the loading area the girls were now being rushed in. A burly man with a beard came at me but I slide under his legs knocking him down. He crouched on his knees holding his head taking his now shortened height to my advantage I round housed kicked him in the face knocking him out. Suddenly though I was flying through the air my back hitting the inside of the crate. My vision momentarily went black till I saw them shutting the crate my eyes locked with Robins who's eyes widened. Running forward I slammed against the shut door.

Panic clutched my heart as I hurtled myself against the door but it didn't budge any.

Oh what I would give for super strength right now.

Turning around I looked at the 15 girls in the large metal shipping container. "I'm going to get us out," I promised looking at their tear stained faces.

Looking at the door I paced hearing yells and bangs outside the door. Backing up I grew more and more frustrated till it all just built up looking at the door I let a frustrated scream out that sent me backwards and the door off its hinges. My eyes were wide with shock as I looked at the door. All the fighting stopped as everyone looked at the door that was now 5 feet away. Slowly standing I rubbed my back walking out with a scowl I planted my feet.

I hope this works.

Breathing in I let out a deafening scream that sent everyone in front of me towards a wall. Bruce reacted quickly by grabbing Robin and flying them over head dropping next to me. Once I saw they all were successfully knocked out I shut my mouth.

"That's new," Batman said in shock as he stared down at me.

"Your tellin me," I said quietly before I was suddenly being hugged. Turning I saw all of the girls now crowded around us ages having stepped forward wrapping their arms around me.

"Thank you," they all kept crying tears now of relief.

"The police will be here soon and all of you will be taken home," Bruce said softly to the shaken girls who all nodded.

Sirens were heard as we walked all of the girls outside only to have to police slide in. Commissioner Gordon was the first out of his squad car running forward.

"The men who did this are inside knocked out," Batman said gruffly before grappling off. We never stayed to talk long to the cops, Dick was close behind him but I was stopped by a hand of one of the young women.

"What's your name?" She said softly everyone their turned their eyes to our conversation.

"Tweety," I said with a grin before I shot off my own line and disappeared from their sight. Landing a few buildings over I saw the boys waiting for me.

"We need to get that scream of yours checked out, it's exactly like black canary so maybe she can help," Bruce stated while crossing his large arms.

"Well what ever it is I like it," I said with a grin before jumping off the building. At the last moment I shot a line off and flipped through the air feeling like a free bird in the sky.

The next day the papers read about the captured girls and the men who were stopped. On the front page was a small girl in a black and yellow suit with golden hair the caption read, Batman's birds protecting Gothem. I did a little happy dance at the table reminding myself to thank uncle Clark for the nice description in the paper seeing as he did write this article.


Yay I updated! I know it's been a while but softball season started at my school and I made varsity so there are lots of practices and games so I've been kinda tired but ya sorry about that!



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