Chapter 27: Part 2

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Darren gave me a lift so I didn't have to run in my dress. My mom asked questions to which I told her I'd tell her later.

Thank God for there being no traffic or I'd go crazy. Once we got to Mikey's I jumped out of the door and rang the doorbell and banged on the door for what felt like forever.

Gerard opened the door and just stared at me not saying anything. I felt like the world had stopped rotating and it was just me and him standing there. "Briella." He whispered softly touching my cheek with his fingers. A few tears slipped his already blood-shot red puffy eyes.

I wiped them away immediately. "Gerard." I mimicked his whisper tone and smiled at him. "I love you!" Tears rolled down my face as I finally said it outloud to him.

He smiled and grabbed both sides of my face. "I love you Briella!" He shouted and kissed me passionately.


3 Months Later
"Hey there handsome." I said as I hugged him from behind "Working hard?" I chuckled.

"Always baby." Gerard spun around and pulled me on his lap kissing me along the way. "Where's our princess?" He asked as he broke the kiss and looking behind me for her.

I pouted and he laughed kissing me again. This time I broke the kiss. "She's coming with Mikey. She wanted ice cream so he bought her one." I laughed as Cherish had attacked Mikey for ice cream.

'Oh boy, Mikey has it coming to him. Me being her dad and all she's bound to be sassy." He chuckled shaking his head.

Mikey came in shortly holding a very happy Cherish. "Daddy!" She squealed as she wiggled around in Mikey's arms and he laughed as he set her down. "Daddy uncy Mikey bought me ice ceem! It's yum!" She licked her ice cream and offered him some. "Want some daddy?"

Gerard picked her up after I moved. "Sure baby!" He licked it and got some with his finger and smeared it on her nose. "Uh oh!" He laughed as she stuck her tongue out at her.

After another hour or so the guys were finished recording. "The album is officially done!" Rob Cavallo the producer announced. "You guys did pretty damn awesome on this album if I may say so." He laughed as he pattered Ray on his back. "All we need to do is release the album next month and we are set."

We all went and celebrated that night. Christa and Ray, Jamia and Frank, Audree and Mikey, Elena and Bob, Cherish, Gerard and I. We decided to just get together at Frank's and eat there. Just us and close family.

"Here's to the guys, to their success, and to their new album coming out. It's going to be pretty fucking kickass!!" Elena said as we all cheered to that.

"And here's to our woman who without you we don't know where we would be." Frank smiled as he pulled Jamia in for a very passionate kiss causing her to blush.

"Eww uncy Fwankie!" Cherish giggled as she covered her eyes. Frank pouted at her so she ran to hug him. "Uncy Fwankie." He lifted her up and she whispered in his ear.

"I wonder what she's saying." Gerard whispered in my ear as I sat in his lap. I shook my head and smiled.

Frank smiled and nodded making Cherish happy. "Cherish would like for me to say something on her behalf." I paid extra attention. "She wants me to say how happy she is to have us all as her family and." he walked over to us "To have both of her parents together and happy." Cherish giggled and whispered something else in his ear to which he laughed. "Also she wants brothers and sisters soon!"

My face turned bright red and Gerard laughed. "Of course you do princess." Frank set her down in my lap and the others gave their toasts.

I had moved from Gee's lap because he wanted to make a toast lastly. "I'd like to give a toast to us. A toast to our success. We started from the bottom and now look at us. On our third album. To our ups and downs. To our mistakes. To our happiness. To our fan base. To our partners but I especially want to make a toast to the loves of my life." Gerard grabbed my hand and Cherish's hand "Without you both I'd be lost and miserable."

I smiled and kissed him, squishing Cherish along the way to which she said complained to. "Sorry baby." I kissed her forehead. "I love you Gerard."

"I love you too Briella. Always have. Always will" He smiled at me.

We drank, well the guys drank, Gerard and I didn't due to Cherish and him not drinking anymore. The guys jumped in the pool dragging the girls in there with him. Mikey lost his glasses to which Audree had an extra pair. They are truly perfect for each other. Seven and a half years later who would have imagined it.

"I'd like to dedicate this to my love, to Briella!" Gerard spoke in the mic as the guys began to play.

"Gonna take off all my skin,
Tear apart all of my insides,

When they rifle in,
Mom and Dad think you'll be saved,
They never had the time,
They're gonna medicate your lives,
You were always born a crime,
We salute you in your grave.

Can't find my way home,
But it's through you and I know,
What I'd do just to get back in her arms,

Can't find my way home,
But it's through you and I know,
What I'd do just to get back in her arms.


No way home why
(We've got to go)

Can't find my way home,
But it's through you and I know,
What I'd do just to get back in her arms,

Can't find my way home,
But it's through you and I know, 
What I'd do just to get back, well, in her arms.

I can't find the way
Come on angel, don't you cry"

Once the guys finished playing I ran and hugged Gerard kissing him until someone said something which was Frank but I didn't care. "I love you Gerard!" I smiled at him looking into his beautiful hazel eyes.

He looked at me as if I was the only one there. "I love you Briella!" He kissed me again and picked up Cherish. "I love you too princess!" He kissed her cheek. "I love our little family." He smiled and hugged us both.

At that moment I knew, running out of that Church to go after the man of my dreams was the best decision I ever made. I knew that Gerard Arthur Way was the one and only man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

The End!!

I hope you guys liked this story!!  I never really thought of finishing it but I did. 

Comment and vote and let me know what you guys think! 

Thank you all for reading.

Xo, Ash (:

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