Chapter 17

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Yay I finally posted chap 17!! It took me a while and I thought if I honestly wanted to continue and I feel like I got my motivation back somewhat. I am working on the next chap but idk when I'll post it so for now enjoy this one! (:


These last past couple of weeks have been hectic. Christian and I began planning our wedding. Cherish was super stoked that we were getting married and that couldn't have made me any happier. Seeing her happy is all I ever wanted

Audree became distant after the night that we announced our engagement. I thought she would have been happy for me but I guess I was wrong. I had my bridesmaids chosen and Stacy was going to be my maid of honor and Christian had the guys be his. We unfortunately had to push the wedding back

The guys were told last week that they would be going on tour for two and a half months so that was just fantastic. Christian wanted to get married while they were on tour but I told him to focus on that and once he got back that we would get married

I had the food already reserved. The place and church were reserved as well. All I needed now really was my wedding dress and then do the finish check ups but that would be the week of the wedding

Oh did I forget to mention something super important? Probably. Gerard got a fucking warrant to get a DNA test on Cherish! How? Who the hell knows but now within a week I have to take her to a clinic so they can do the damn test results!

I was not looking forward to that but I had to figure something out and quick. I sighed as I finished helping Christian pack for tour. I was going to miss him

"Brie." I felt a pair of arms slide wrap around my waist "I'll be back soon I promise" He smiled down at me and gave my lips a gentle soft kiss "I'll miss you everyday and night"

I felt my stomach do a flip "I'll miss you too Christian" I kissed him one more time before nuzzling my face in his chest "A lot" He chuckled and I felt the vibrations through his chest

I hugged him for what seemed forever. I didn't want to let him go. He made me feel safe and secure. I just wanted him to stay and help me through next week

We heard a small voice at the door and turned to look at Cherish with a sad face "What's wrong bubbs?" Christian picked her up and she hugged his neck with her little arms

"I don't want you to go daddy" Tears began to form in her eyes which made me want to cry "Stay with mommy and I pwease daddy" She made puppy dog eyes at him which melted my heart

Christian kissed the top of her head "I gotta go bubbs but I will be back sooner than you think. Promise me one thing though?" She nodded her head "Keep mommy safe and sound yeah?" She giggled and promised

Soon Andy, Jinxx, Jake, and Ashley came running through the doors laughing their asses off "Come on CC let's go!" Jinxx jumped on his back as the others took seats in the chairs

"You ready to go man we gotta leave in 10 minutes!" Andy slapped his back and pulled me in for a hug "How's my sis?" He asked as he messed up my hair

I glared at him and smacked his hand away "Andrew Dennis Biersack! Don't mess up my hair! And I could be better" I half smiled and he tilted his head sideways "You're taking my fiance away from me for two and a half months!" I pouted and the guys laughed

Ashley came up to me and half hugged me "Aw he'll be back soon and trust me, he's in good hands" He laughed

I glared at him "Yeah uh good hands my ass!" I laughed and so did the guys

I kissed Christian goodbye and hugged the guys wishing them luck on tour. Christian hugged Cherish goodbye and she cried as they left. This was going to be one long ass two and a half months

I went upstairs and bathed Cherish and we watched movies in my room until she fell asleep

I dreaded today. I didn't want to go at all. I just wanted to disappear under a rock. I had no choice though or I'd be in trouble with the law

I had to take Cherish to the clinic for the damn DNA test. I fucking hated him! How dare he! He has no damn right to do this! How the hell did he even manage to get a warrant!? I was going to find out one way or another

I drove slowly to the clinic. I had to be there in 15 minutes. Luck was on my side, there was traffic so that would be my excuse technically for being late. I sighed as I looked at Cherish who had fallen asleep in her car seat

Once I had gotten there I took a few deep breathes to help calm my nerves. I carefully got my baby out of her car seat without waking her up. I walked up to the doors and took one last breath

I walked in and immediately saw Gerard. I wanted to slap him so hard but at the same time I wanted to kiss him. I felt confused and angry. I held on tighter to Cherish and ignored him

"Briella." He spoke to me but I ignored him. The nurse came and told me to follow her down to a room. Gerard followed as well. I carefully opened Cherish's mouth since she was still asleep so the nurse could swab it

Once she took it she swiftly left the room leaving me Cherish and I alone with Gerard "Briella" He spoke again quietly so he wouldn't wake up our daughter

I didn't make a movement and kept staring at my child sleeping peacefully in my arms "What?' I said softly as I moved a strand of hair from Cherish's face

"I'm sorry about what happened the last time I saw you.." He sighed and sat down in one of the chairs "I really am sorry"

I thought about what I was going to reply but the doctor came in just in time

"Okay well the results will be done by midday tomorrow. I will call you both so you can come get them. Have a good rest of your day" And he walked out

I got up and walked towards the door before speaking "That is in the past now Gerard. The past should remain in the past" I walked out and left him in there

I carefully set Cherish back in her car seat. Just as I was about to close the door I felt a pair of hands grab me. I turned around and saw Gerard looking at me with sad eyes

I wanted to make those sad eyes into happy ones but no. I couldn't. "Please.. please don't marry him Briella" Tears escaped his eyes before he did the unthinkable. He kissed me and then walked away

He is seriously going to drive me nuts. I shook it off and got in my car and drove towards my mom's to drop off Cherish

I spoke to my mom for a few before getting back in my car and heading towards my destination. I knew what I had to do and I had to do it quick

Okay so yeah I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter!  If you want the next chapter out I gotta have a few comments and votes! 

So read, comment, vote and tell ya friends as well lol well until next time loveliess

Xo Ash (:

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