Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 is finally out! Yay! I got my train of thought back so yeah cx


CC came over as soon as I called him. I paced back and forth until he stood up and pulled me into a hug "Calm down Brie" I tried "Tell me what happened?' He led me to the couch and sat me on his lap

I don't know why I felt so tense all of a sudden. I tried shrugging it off "I met up with Frank and Jamia for lunch today and we went to the park" He nodded "Jamia and I were talking while Frank was playing with Cherish" I sighed

CC started to rub my back to calm me down "And what else happened?" I turned to face him

I tensed up at the thought of him "I saw him.." My voice came out barely a whisper but I felt him tense up too "He tried talking to me but I didn't want to hear him"

He nodded "What did he try saying to you?" He placed his hand on my leg and he began rubbing his thumb on it

I looked away from him but he pulled my face back to look at him "He kissed me" I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see the look on his face. His thumb stopped moving and he didn't say anything "Say something?"

His face looked sad "Did you kiss him back?" His voice had some sadness in it but yet anger in it. I shook my head

"No.. no I shoved him away and told him to never touch me or come near me again" He smiled and pulled me closer. He placed his lips on mine and kissed me so passionately. His hands trailed up to my hips and he began to trail his lips down to my neck

A moan escaped my lips and I could feel him smiling. He began to bite it and trail his hand up to my chest but a cough interrupted us. I jumped off him and fell on the floor

I saw Ashley and Stacy trying to hold their laugh in and CC's face was bright red "Guys!" I hid my face from embarrassment

Ashley let his laugh out "Get a room next time sickos!" He laughed and Stacy smacked his arm "What!" He looked at her and she rolled her eyes at him

"Babe leave these love birds alone" She smirked at him "We do worse things" She giggled and his face turned a bright red

CC stood up laughing and helped me up "What are you guys doing here so early?" He put his arms around my waist from behind me and leaned his head on my shoulder. He was too cute!

Stacy leaned against the wall as Ashley went upstairs "He was hungry and forgot his wallet in my room. I told him I'd pay but he wouldn't budge" She smiled as Ashley came running downstairs waving his wallet and CC ran towards him

He snatched his wallet and ran outside "Hey! That's mine jerk!" Ash ran after him and they just ran around like little kids

Since CC was taller than Ashley he just waved his wallet in the air and Ash was jumping to grab it. Stacy and I both bursted out laughing and Ashley pouted crossing his arms across his chest

"So where's Cherish?" Stay wiped away her laughter tears as did I

"She's with Andy today. He took her to go see Juliet" She nodded "He is bringing her back later tonight or tomorrow morning" I smiled as Ash finally snatched his wallet away from CC

"Got it back babe!" He kissed Stacy "Now we can go" He grabbed her hand

"Hey what about us!" CC protested and we all laughed "I'm hungry too!" Just as he said that his stomach growled

Ash tapped his index finger on his chin "Hmmm let me think about it.." CC's face was shocked "Fine you guys came come!" CC jumped in the air and ran towards me

"Let's go Brie!" He dragged me towards his car "I'll drive!" Ash and Stacy nodded

I laughed "Hold on CC I need to go get my bag" He nodded and I went back inside to get my bag. I saw my phone had a missed call, Mikey called

I called him back. It rang three times before he answered 'Hey Brie" He sounded weird

"Hey Mikes, whatcha call for?" I got my bag and headed for the door

"I was calling to see if you wanted to come and hang out with us tonight?" I heard Bob yelling in the back "Bob wants to see ya" he laughed

I laughed too cause I could still hear Bob "Uh what time tonight? I'm going out with CC right now" I heard silence

"Afterwards?" I thought about it before agreeing. We hung up and I walked over to the car. Ash was in the passenger seat so I sat in the back with Stacy

Throughout the whole ride Ash kept messing around with CC's radio and he kept slapping his hands away. It was funny cause even after getting his hands slapped he still did it

We ate at a small little restaurant and I told CC that I was going to hang out with the guys. He agreed and said he was going to hang out with Ash since Stacy had to go to work. She worked night shift tonight which she wasn't looking forward to

I didn't get to tell CC my answer but I will tomorrow when I see him

I was driving towards Frank's place him and jamia ordered pizza. Once I got there Frank tackled me in a hug "I haven't seen you in forever!" He chuckled

I pushed him slightly "Frank. You saw me earlier today" I laughed and hugged the rest of the guys, Jamia and Christa. I saw Audree there and I walked up to her "I forgive you" Her eyes lit up and she pulled me in for a hug

She started crying "I'm so sorry Briella. I was a complete bitch to you" She sobbed into my shoulder

I pulled her arms length away "Hey look at me. That is in the past now is. All is forgotten" I smiled at her and she nodded

The pizza finally came about half an hour after I got there and we all dug in. We were all laughing and talking when the doorbell rang. I stood up to get it

I opened the door and came face to face again with Gerard. Could this day get any worse? "Briella.." His voice sounded sad "Please can we talk" He looked at the ground

Without thinking, I spoke to him "You have 10 minutes and no more" He nodded and I walked outside with him

I hope I don't regret this

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