Chapter 4

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Briella's POV

I woke up and rolled over to see CC still asleep. I tried getting up without waking him up "Where are you going Brie? Get back in bed" His voice in the morning was adorable

I smiled at him and kissed him lightly on the lips "Gonna go check up on Cherish" He nodded and got up to

"I'll go check up on her. You lay back down in bed beautiful" He smiled and I nodded. Minutes later I heard her laughing and CC chasing her

"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy is trying to get me!" She giggled and jumped on the bed hiding under the covers next to me

CC came in and I put my finger on my lips as to tell him to be quiet and he nodded then walked slowly towards the bed "Oh now where could she be? Hmm?" We heard her giggled and he tickled her "Found you suga!"

She started laughing so much "Ok daddy you found me!" She climbed on me and hugged me "Good morning mommy" She kissed my cheek and then hugged CC

"I'm so happy daddy is here mommy!" I smiled at her. If only she knew though.. it would destroy her little heart.. I began to frown "What's wrong mommy?" She looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes

CC looked at me and spoke "Mommy is sad that she has to go to work and won't be able to spend the day with you" Work. Oh crap I forgot! I looked at the time. I had 2 hours until I had to go

I groaned and got up "I'm going to shower. Stay with daddy. Behave. Both of you" They laughed and nodded. I showered and changed into jeans, black vans, and a black long sleeve shirt. I'm a realtor which means I sell houses and land

I got a raise just last month for having sold the most houses which went to Cherish's college fund, and anything else she needed or wanted. After I finished straightening my hair, which only took me 15 minutes since it's shorter than before, and had my makeup done I went downstairs to see what my baby and CC were up to

I heard giggling and the tv on. I stood at the doorway and just stared at my baby with CC. She was on his lap watching Batman. I turned around and saw Andy coming out from the kitchen "Hey Andy" He looked up and smiled

"Hey sis. Going to work?" I nodded "Awe that sucks! Now you can't watch batman with us!" he pouted and ran back to watch tv. I swear he acted like a little kid sometimes

I gave my baby a kiss bye and hugged CC and Andy. I told them I'd see them after work. I drove to a nearby coffee shop and order myself a vanilla latte with some caramel in it

"Briella?" A voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw Ray and Bob. I felt anxious seeing them but I shrugged it off but then I thought.. if Ray, Bob and Frank are here then that means.. no it can't be..

"Briella? Why?" I could hear sadness in Bob's voice. I had seen Bob as another brother and I just left without saying anything to him

My name was called for my latte and I got it but I spoke to them before leaving "I'm sorry.. but I had to leave" They nodded "I gotta go before I'm late for work" I left quickly and headed off to work

Once I got there I was told that I had an appointment at 12. A couple wanted to buy a house down by the beach. I agreed and drove to the house I waited for about 10 minutes until a same red car pulled up in the driveway

I saw Ray and some girl coming out of their car. I know it wasn't Julianna cause before we even graduated she went back to her ex. That was her biggest mistake. He ended up dumping her for another girl and when she wanted Ray back he didn't want her

Be profession. I got this. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Toro. I'm Briella Biersack. Your realtor. Shall we go see the house?" I smiled and tried to pretend that I didn't know them. I shook both their hands and they nodded

I unlocked the door for them and let them step inside first "Oh my gosh!! This house is gorgeous!" His wife? half yelled half whispered

Ray chuckled. We saw the rest of the house and by the end of it his wife was in love with it "What do you say Christa? Love the house?" So we have a name, Christa

She turned to face him "Uhh yes! I love this house Ray. It's perfect!" She hugged him and he hugged her back "We'll take it!" She turned to look at me then Ray

He nodded "What she said, we'll take it" He smiled at her the whole time. I smiled at having sold yet another house

"Okay. Let me go get all the papers to signed from my car and you can help yourself to look around once more. I turned to walk to my car and as I was about to close it after getting the papers I saw Ray coming towards me through the window

His face was blank. I could tell he wasn't happy though "Long time no see Briella" His voice was low

I raised one eyebrow and nodded but before I could speak my phone went it.. CC was calling. That made a smile form on my face B- "Hello?"

CC-"Mommy!!" It was Cherish. Gosh I miss her and it's only been 3 hours

B- "Hey baby. How are you?"

C- "Good. Daddy and I are getting ice cream! I wish you were here mommy" She giggled through the phone "Mommy, daddy wants to speak to you"

B- "okay baby put him on" I saw Ray giving me a shocked face. I mouthed one moment to him and he nodded

CC- "Hey Brie" He chuckled

B- "Hey CC" I smiled

CC- "What time are you off? We want to go to the movies!" He laughed as Cherish screamed in the background

B- "I'll be off in an hour. Take care of both my babies in the meanwhile" He laughed and agreed

CC- "Can't wait to see you beautiful" He was serious too sweet and I couldn't help but smile cause he was mine

B- "Me too handsome" We said bye and hung up

Now what am I going to tell Ray? I turned to face him and spoke before he could "Before you ask why.. I left because I had to Ray"

He nodded "I understand but what hurts is that you never said bye to us.." He looked sad "I know that we should have told you but we were stuck in the middle and we didn't want that. I told Gerard to not even put me in it. I know he'd say that he stayed over at my house and sometimes he would but I just" He paused "Look I just want to leave that all in the past. We miss you Briella. Frankie, Bob, Mikey, me, your sister" I winced at her. We haven't spoken in over 3 years

I debated if I should tell him or not "Mm ok I'll tell you what. If the rest of the guys can leave it alone, I don't want to keep repeating myself, then you guys can come and see me at my house. Oh but no Gerard" He smiled and nodded. We exchanged numbers just as Christa was coming out

"Christa baby. This is Briella" She was confused

"Uhh yeah the realtor?" She was clueless it appeared. Ray chuckled and shook his head "Ohh Briella!! The famous Briella! So nice to finally meet you. I've heard some good things about you" She smile and pulled me in a hug. I smiled and handed them the papers which they signed

After I got home we went to the movies and well saw G-Force (It's a kids hamster movie). Cherish was so excited to see it. She absolutely loved it. I looked at my baby fast asleep in her bed. I was lucky to have her. She's a blessing in my life

I felt arms wrap around me "Come to bed?" Christian whispered on my neck. He sent goosebumps down my spine which made me shiver and he chuckled

We went to bed and fell asleep in each other's arms

How do you guys like it so far??

Let me know in the comments!

Xo, Ash (:

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