Chapter 22

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After being left at breakfast I called up Frank and he picked me up. I felt like the most horriblest person alive. How could I do that to Gerard? His facial expression said it all.. he hates my guts

'Don't stress it girl, he will get over it" Jamia tried to comfort me as I just balled myself up on their couch "Come on, don't pout. I made some tea. Let's go outside and just sit and soak up the sun.. after all we need it after last night" She giggled and I nodded my head and followed her outside as she handed me my cup

Frank followed shortly but with a coffee mug "Trust me Bee, Gerard will get over it and he will forgive you" He sat across from us and patted my knee 'I've known him since we were little punks" He chuckled "He'll get over it, if he doesn't then he'll miss out on two amazing woman"

I sighed and took a big gulp of my tea "I don't know Frank, he looked so mad at me" It saddened me that I might have blown it with the man I love most "He hates me.. I know it"

Jamia and Frank exchanged looks "I don't know Bee.. why don't you find out if he does or doesn't hate you?" I was confused

I shook my head "But he hates me I know it. He won't want to talk to me" I felt myself get depressed at the thought of him hating me

"Why don't you just ask me Briella?" My eyes went wide as I heard his voice coming from behind me. I looked at Frank and Jamia and they just smiled slightly at me

"He called and asked and I told" Frank stood up pulling his fiancee with him "We'll leave you two to talk it out" He smiled and planted a kiss on my head and Jamia squeezed my shoulder mouthing "it's going to be ok"

I shrunk in lounge chair. I didn't want to face him and have him tell me that he was giving up. I didn't want to hear him say he didn't want anything to do with me.. or his child

I closed my eyes and inhaled the air along with the smell of my tea. I wanted to just disappear at that moment

"You know, when I first saw you I thought to myself, who is this beautiful human being?, I fell for you since day one when I saw you walking in the park with your dog" I heard him sit down "I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw"

I drew my tea to my lips and blew on it even though it wasn't hot anymore.. I didn't want to open my eyes just yet

"Then when I saw you for the first time at band practice, that's when I decided that going to school would be worth it because I would be seeing you everyday and possibly have a class or two with you" He laughed a bit "I slowly but surely started to fall in love with you.. when I found out that you were in the hospital my heart sank"

I remember that awful day.. my dad choking me, calling me awful things, and him being pulled off me, finding my mom lying in the bathroom bleeding to death.. awful memory that felt more like a nightmare

"I prayed and cried. I couldn't even concentrate at work the next day. I left early just so I could go see you.. I just wanted you to be okay and be awake" He sighed and I felt him grab my hand "Once you woke up I knew I couldn't waste anymore time.. I was going to ask you to be mine"

At that point I had opened my eyes but refused to look at him in the face "I had spent some time with Audree planning on how to ask you out" He laughed "I got nervous and felt sick of being nervous when the day came that I was going to ask you out"

I turned to look at him and laughed a little "Yeah I remember how nervous you were.. you couldn't even eat right" He smiled and laughed a bit

"Yeah.. and then once I finally got the balls to just ask you I felt relieved when you said yes.. and when that couple saw us and how they looked great together and told us they were together for 67 years.. I wanted that to be us.. I wanted to be that couple that lasted together until the end of time"

He sighed and looked down "But I threw it all away.. I threw your love back in your face. I took you for granted and I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am but I know that sorry isn't going to make it up ever" I looked away again and felt my insides shrivel up

"I fucked up big time I know but I was weak and stupid and selfish" Gerard's voice began breaking "I was too soaked up in fame that I didn't care about anything else except for my needs and wants. I forgot to cherish you and appreciate you for always being there for the guys and I. For always having my back and supporting me"

My heart began to sink at all those times when I'd cry myself to sleep when he wasn't there by my side "I forgot to tell you everyday that I was deeply in love with you.. everyday I wish to be able to go back in time and change my actions.. change what I did to you.. but-" I stopped him

I sighed and sat up "Gerard that's in the past now.. no matter how many times you wish to go back you can't. What's done is done and nothing will ever change it"

I looked at him for a second until he looked up.. our eyes met and nothing seemed to matter. His eyes were filled with tears and as some escaped I leaned over to wipe them away "I love you Briella. I always have and always will.. I refuse to give up on us so easily. I won't ever stop trying.. not like years ago when I let you get away.. I will try every single day to prove to you that I am the man you need. The only man you belong with"

I felt my insides going crazy at his words but my brain was protesting reminding me of all his broken promises and lies and his unfaithfulness "Gerard.." My voice was coming out weak.. I cleared my throat and sat up straight pulling my hand away from his "I am getting married in a week.. nothing can change that" I looked away

Silence filled the air for a good ten minutes until he spoke "So this is it?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head "I'm not giving up!" He jolted up and pulled me up causing me to drop my cup making it shatter on the ground

"Gerard!" I began to protest but was cut off short when he crashed his lips on mine. At first I hesitated but I felt myself give in to his lips

He pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip for entrance causing me to smile and open up. Our tongues battled for dominance. He won

Gerard began sitting down pulling me along with him. With each minute that passed by I could feel the hunger of the kiss get more intense and honestly.. I liked it.. I was enjoying it

It was passionate yet rough. Both our lips moved in sync. I straddled him as the kiss got even more intense as he trailed his hands up and down my back caressing it

I gasped and bit his lip and he slapped my ass and smirked against my lips. Right now nothing mattered. All I knew is that I didn't want this kiss to ever end

After a  rather intense hot make out.. my brain began to scream at me causing me to bolt off of him catching my breath

"Oh my God.." I covered my mouth feeling embarrassed.. I can't believe I was cheating on Christian again "I'm sorry.. this can't ever happen again!"

I ran inside grabbing my purse running out the front door. I didn't care that Gerard was shouting my name.. I couldn't face him again after this..

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I had this chapter planned out but a new idea had made it's way in so I changed the way things were going to go. 4 or so more chapters until this story is over. 

I was thinking of making a third sequel but honestly I am not sure I will anymore. I feel like this love story needs to come to an end but who knows. It's not decided yet!

Well lovelies remember to COMMENT | VOTE | FAN | FOLLOW | ETC. if you want the next chapter out soon!

Xo Ash (:

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