Chapter 18

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So I did some thinking andddd Disenchanted will be coming to an ending in just a few chapters! How many? Who knows but I will keep you guys informed! 

Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and remember to comment and vote lovies (:


Am I a bad person? I'd hope not. I did what I had to do to protect my child. I couldn't let Gerard know the truth. No way in hell. Not now not ever!

I do feel bad but he should have thought about things a long ass time ago before throwing it all away

We were getting the results today. Dear God please forgive me for what I did but he can't know. I don't want him to know, does that make me a bad person? A bad mother?

The doctor came out with a white envelope in his hands and had a poker face on. I hope he didn't rat me out to Gerard or I'd be in deep shit

"Well. Here are the results. Would you like to see them or have me read them to you both?" He asked as he held on to the envelope

Gerard stepped a little forward "You read them please" His body was shaking and I could tell he was nervous to hear the results. I hope one day he can forgive me

I looked away. I didn't want to see the look on his face as the dr read the results "Paternity results linking you to Cherish Ann Biersack are.." He paused as he looked at us both before I nodded "Negative. Mr. Way, you are not Cherish Ann's father"

I held in my breath as he told him "What!" Gerard practically screamed and snatched the paper out of his hands and scanned it "Wha-- no no this can't be right!"

I sighed and turned to him "I told you and I'll tell you again. You aren't her father so leave it be and leave us alone or I will put a restraining order on you!" I stormed out and hoped he didn't follow me

I got to my car and let my breath that I held in. I felt bad but he doesn't deserve to be in her life. I know Linds is pregnant. How I know? Bobbert told me. I felt hurt and betrayed but let's be honest. That feeling is still from years ago

I need to let that go. I'm getting married in a few months for crying out loud! I shook it out of my head. Just as I was about to get in my car a pair of hands pulled me away and slammed me on my car

Gerard's eyes were bloodshot and I felt shitless scared right now "What. Did. YOU DO!?!" He placed both hands on my car on either side of my arms without touching me "WHAT DID YOU DO BRIELLA!?" He screamed when I didn't answer

No words left my mouth. I was scared honestly but I wasn't going to let him know that. I closed my eyes and took in a breath "Gerard." My voice came out calmer than expected

I opened my eyes and he had tears rolling down his face so I wiped his tears away without much thinking. I was about to pull my hand away when he placed his on mine "Please Brie.." His voice came out a whisper

I had to look away. I couldn't look into his eyes "Leave me alone. I am engaged Gerard and.." I didn't know if I should have told him but I did anyways "And you have a baby on the way with your wife" I snatched my hand away

He got closer to me "She's not my wife. The only one I want to marry is you Briella" He leaned in even closer "Please don't marry him please!" He lifted my face with his thumb and index finger

Gosh how much I missed looking into those beautiful hazel eyes "I-I-" I was lost for words. I felt my body get shaky and tense and I know he could tell that as well

He leaned in and kissed me. These soft lips that were once mine to kiss were on mine again. I felt my hand wrap around his neck and pull him in closer as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer as well

It felt so right yet so wrong kissing him. I had missed these lips on mine. The feeling of it. The sensation of it. It was like if the world didn't exist but it did

My eyes went wide as I realized what was going on. I pushed him away and covered my mouth. I was ashamed of myself. I was cheating on Christian and I couldn't take it back

"Please don't push me away Briella. You know that we are meant to be and even if Cherish isn't mine, I'll still treat her as if she is" Gerard pleaded and got closer but I shoved him even further

I turned around and tried catching my breath "No Gerard! I am marrying Christian and that is final. Leave us ALONE!" I got in my car and started the engine driving away as he stayed in place yelling after me

What he and I had before was beautiful but it's in the past, where it should stay

Christian's POV

I was glad to be on tour! It felt fucking amazing to play in front of our amazing fans! Even better seeing all these hotties just throwing themselves at us

Of course I wasn't about to cheat on Briella. At least not in front of Andy. I love her I do, enough to marry her but come on, I'm a guy. It's what guys do!

Truth is, I have been cheating on her, trust me I do feel like shit but I've grown to love this girl. She has me crazy for her but I know I have to end it before tying the knots with Briella

"Baby what are you thinking of so much?" Claire sat down on my lap seeing as I was at a hotel with her at the moment being "Come on let's go take a bath" She winked at me and ran towards the bathroom with me chasing after her

We ended up panting and not wanting to move. She was a fucking animal! "Babe you are amazing" She whispered in my ear that sent shivers down my spine

I chuckled and moved to my side "You're an animal baby" I kissed her and she pulled me closer straddling me "Again?" I smirked at her as she nodded

Just as we were getting started there was a knock at the door. Shit. I'm caught

She got up and covered herself as she went to go answer the door while I struggled to put my clothes back on "Christian!" She yelled from the hall

I was about to close the door when it slammed opened. FUck me. I turned around and saw Jinxx standing there with his mouth wide open "Dude. What the fuck!?"

I shrugged "Fuck" I sat down on the bed "How did you find me?" I looked down at the ground. I felt like a pig right now

I felt the bed sink next to me. I looked up to see him sitting there with a disappointed face "I followed you all the way here. I can't fucking believe you!" He got up and closed the door, well more like slammed the door shut "Are you fucking serious right now!?" He was standing in front of me crossed arms and fists balled up

I sighed and stood up "It's not what you think.." I began but was cut off by him as he pushed me back on the bed

"The fuck it's not! You're cheating on YOUR FIANCEE!" He said it loud enough so Claire would hear. Fuck. "She's in Cali waiting for you and you're over here messing around with some blonde bimbo!?" He screamed his lungs at me. He really let me have it, for a good half hour. Straight yelling. "You're going to tell her or I will." He walked out and I heard the front door slam shut

Fuck me what did I do! I groaned and threw myself back on the bed

"Christian.." A small voice came from the door. I sat up and looked at a teared eyed Claire "Is it true? You're getting married?" A tear rolled down her face. I nodded and more tears fell and she walked away sobbing

Great. I just hurt both of the girls that I love. One whom doesn't even know it.

Told you guys drama was coming!!!!!!!! Those who love CC, I am sorry I had to make him look like an ass but it's part of the story! I hope you guys still love me though!

Next chap will be out within a few days or next week maybe!

Xo, Ash (:

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