Chapter 1

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Waking up to the view of the ocean everyday was beautiful. I wouldn't want it any other way. I enjoyed the silence before my little mini decided to wake up

"Good morning Brie" Stacy came downstairs in her pjs

"Good morning Stacy. Day off today?" She got herself water and nodded

"Yes and I definitely plan to go get a tan at the beach. You in?" Just as she asked my little mini me came running in

"Mommy!! Auntie Stacy!!" She gave her a hug and ran to me with arms wide open

"Hi baby. How was your long nap?" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged my neck

"It was amazing mommy. I dreamt with puppies and kittens and bunnies! We had a whole zoo!" She stretched her arms as wide as she could to show me how big they were.

I told my mom and Darren shortly after moving and they were beyond happy so they decided to move down here so they could help me out

"Cherish Ann where is my hug?" Stacy pouted. Cherish ran towards her with arms wide open

"Sowy auntie Stacy!" She gave her a big kiss and giggled "I can't wait to go to the beach!" She wiggled out of Stacy's arms and ran to her room

"She's beautiful Brie" Stacy stood next to me "She has your eyes and nose and.." I nodded. I tried not to think of him but she has him written all over her and I couldn't help but cry at times. I missed him but I had to forget him

Audree had told me that he and Lyn-z were dating officially. I acted as if I didn't care but I did and it killed me

"You should invite Christian.." She smirked as she brought him up. I started talking to Christian when I moved here. At first it weirded Andy out but he's ok with it now

I smiled and dialed his number. It rang once "Hey Brie" He said happily

His voice seriously made my whole day better "Hey CC, Stacy, Cherish and I are going to the beach. Want to join us?" I asked hoping he could

There was a silence then he spoke "YES! Sounds like fun! Hold on Andy wants to talk to you" He laughed. Andy and I got super close when I moved. It was good having my brother so near by

"Briella!! Why didn't you call me first!" I could tell he was pouting and I laughed "Can I go to the beach too?" I heard yelling in the back "The guys wanna go too!" He laughed

Oh gosh the whole gang wanted to go.. that meant trouble "Yes but behave unlike last time!" I warned him and he gasped "Yes Andy I'm warning you as of right now" I laughed as he gasped again

"I promise to behave, shall I misbehave then you can send me to a lonely corner.." He giggled

"Andy there are no corners at the beach!" We both laughed "Stacy! The whole gang is coming. They want to go to the beach too!" I heard her laugh

"This will be fun!" She grinned. Her and Ashley had a thing but it wasn't serious.. according to them

I packed Cherish's stuff first and she helped so we finished quickly. I told her to go watch cartoons while the guys got here. She jumped up and down excited that they were coming with us. I heard shouting. Well they must be here. Of to the beach we go

We've been at the beach for about an hour and in that little amount of time the guys have cause a lot of trouble. First trying to bury Jinxx and then trying to drown Jake then well throwing ice cream at each other

"Guys if we get banned from the beach I will hang you all!" I shouted as they were throwing sand at each other. They dropped the sand and looked at each other grinning walking towards me "Oh no!" I tried running but CC picked me up

"Be prepared to get wet" He winked and I blushed screaming to put me down and he did.. in the freezing water

"I will get you back for this CC!" I jumped on him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled as he tried kissing me but I kept moving my head "Not so easy CC" I winked and pushed him away

He laughed and caught up with me as I was getting out. I looked over and saw Stacy and Ashley all over each other. CC followed my gaze and laughed "Gross guys! Get a room!" We all bursted out laughing as their faces turned bright red

"Hey you're just jealous that I'm sexy!" Ashley shouted at him. CC gasped "yeah that's right" CC flipped him off and Andy butted in

"Guys, guys, if anything I am the sexy one here ok" He grinned pointing at himself

I laughed as he tried being serious "Whatever helps you sleep at night" He faked being hurt and I laughed even harder "Kidding!"

We were at the beach for 4 hours until my baby fell asleep on Jake. She is a blessing. I don't know where I'd be without her

Stacy went with the guys. CC drove us home as Cherish slept peacefully in the back seat "What are you doing tonight beautiful?" He made me blush like crazy

I turned to look at our intertwined fingers. I loved the feeling of it "Nothing and you?" I smiled at him and he smiled even bigger

"Dinner?" I nodded and looked at Cherish "We can take her too" He smiled. He treated her as if she was his own and that made him even more attractive to me

"Sure. She'll be happy to go with us" I giggled as she woke up once we got home

"Mommy! Daddy!" Yes she calls him daddy because he was there since I was pregnant. He was there in the delivery room, when I first took her home, and all her birthdays. He calls her his daughter too

"Daughter!" Christian picked her up and swung her causing her to laugh and want more

"Be prepared to be out here all night swinging her" I laughed and opened the door. He whispered something in her ear and she jumped excitedly.. hmm "What are you telling my baby over there CC?" I eyed him and he laughed

"It's a secret so butt out" He winked, I smacked his arm lightly

I bathed Cherish and got her all dressed up. I put her in zebra pants and a white shirt. Her hair was in two pony tails which made her look absolutely adorable. After I showered I decided to wear a short blue dress. CC showered too since he had extra clothes in his car

We went out to eat pizza since my baby wanted pizza. She was spoiled but she was the most graceful loving little girl ever and she shared what she had with whoever she was with. We headed to go to the park so Cherish could play. She ran off to the slides. She never left my sight

"Have you decided yet Briella?" He asked me lightly touching my hair sending goosebumps down my back

I sighed and turned to face him for a quick second "I don't know yet Christian, it's a big step and I just.." I trailed off looking back at Cherish but I couldn't see her. I began panicking and jolted up screaming her name

I ran around the park but she wasn't there. CC searched by the bathrooms. I was beyond scared that my baby was kidnapped until I saw her running towards me "Cherish Ann!!" I hugged her tightly "Where were you!?" I cried in her hair

She pointed her little finger towards the trees "There was someone who said he was my uncy" I turned my head to the direction she pointed and my body froze

First chapter of the sequel!!

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Xo, Ash (:

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