What Changed Cassie Gates? - Chapter 4 - The Announcement

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Here's the next chapter, as promised. Hopefully the story is becoming clearer, but of course I don't want to give it all away too soon. Then it wouldn't be a mystery! 


Chapter 4 - The Announcement

I turned around to see a chiseled jaw, deep brown, thick hair, a smile that melted my ice cold composure and dark blue eyes deeper than the sea gazing into my soul. It was Ethan Pritchett, the hottest guy in school. He probably wasn't looking at me quite as intensely as I thought, but it sure felt like it. Ethan had only ever spoken to me when we were lab partners last year, but we were only partners so that he would get a good grade. Being Casey definitely had some perks. I could get used to this.

I suddenly realized that I had been gazing into his gorgeous eyes for a little too long, but I had to keep my cool. I had to say something that would announce Casey to him, without seeming too intimidating or too timid.

“Yeah well, I realized that I’m not religious, so I should probably stop dressing like I’m going to church everyday of the week.” That was perfect. I was witty without giving too much away. I hope he got that I was only joking. Oh god what if he thought I was serious? Did I sound sarcastic enough? I needed to clam down, I was over thinking things, like Cassie.

He smiled in response so he obviously got the joke, but I still didn't calm down because his beautiful smile made my heart pound and my knees go weak. Thank God I was sitting down.

“Well I like this new look, Cass, you look a bit less uptight. In fact a lot less uptight.” He said while looking me up and down. I couldn’t believe it. I was being checked out by Ethan Pritchett, me! My heart was pounding against my chest, but I had to play it cool.

I laughed and replied, “I’m glad you think so. By the way my name is Casey now, just to let you know.”

“Wow a name change too. A complete transformation, huh?”

“Yup and there’s no turning back now.” I grinned.

“Wait if you’re not Cassie anymore then I can’t call you Cass.”

“Well you could call me Case if you want.” 

“Yeah alright, sounds good. Erm, I’m having a party at mine on Friday to celebrate the start of school. You want to come?” He sounded kind of nervous, but why would Ethan be nervous around me? I hope he didn't feel too intimidated.

“You’re having a party to celebrate school?” I said sarcastically. He looked a bit confused. Maybe he didn’t pick up on the sarcasm, so I hastily said. “Well I suppose if its any excuse to get drunk then why not? Sure I’ll be there.”

He looked relieved, but before he could reply Miss. Grant walked in and told us all to settle down, so we just smiled at each other and I turned around.

At the end of the lesson, while I was packing my books away Ethan walked past and put a note on my desk while he flashed a brief smile at me. I opened it up to reveal his phone number and the words ‘call me’ written underneath. I couldn’t believe it. I actually had Ethan’s phone number and he wanted to talk to me again.

The rest of the morning was filled with more stares and questions and before I knew it, it was lunch hour. I wasn’t that hungry so I just grabbed a salad and an apple in the cafeteria. I usually sat on the table in the corner by the window so that I could look outside and not have to talk to many people. I automatically walked towards the table with my lunch tray when I heard someone calling my name from the other side of the cafeteria. I swung around to see that it was Marni, one of the cheerleaders, beckoning me over. I hadn’t sat at the cheerleader’s table since Matty left. The table was the largest one in the cafeteria because it had enough room for the cheerleaders, their boyfriends and a few other privileged people, and today I was one of them.

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