Chapter 17-

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I walk in the park like I was told to. When I walk near a tree I start seeing rose peddles on the sidewalk. I start following them.

Half way I start seeing the guys hold posters. So they all make a sentence saying.
I smile and keep walking. I see Hayes standing on the dock in a tux holding a small box. Cam hands me some flowers.

On the dock there's some candles on the side making a walk way. I walk closer to him. In the back ground a thousand years plays. He smiles and walks to me.

He puts the box in his pocket and takes my hands. "Hazel. Where do I begin?" He says giving a small laugh. I laugh too but keep staring at him.

"I feel like we're getting married." I laugh. He laughs with me.

"Hazel. I want you to know that I'm sorry for everything I've done. I shouldn't of put weight on your shoulders. I have always love you and I'll keep loving you. I don't care if we're millions of miles away I will find my way to you. From the first day I knew we would go far. I mean this is our 3rd year for crying out loud! Look at everything and nothing has separated us yet." He takes out the box. "I want you in my life, I need you in my life. Have you seen who I live with!?" He jokes and I laugh.

"I know I'm a jerk sometimes. I know that I get jealous easily but that's because your so precious and gentle. I know that a world like this destroys something that you are. Your unique, beautiful, special. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to see you drift away from who you are. They say if you love her let her go but I'm never going to let you go. You mean so much to me without you I'm nothing." He opens the box. It's a heart necklace. I smile at it.

"This represents my love you for you. No matter what my love for you will never fade away. I love you baby girl." He says. I smile and hug him tight.

"I love you so much." I say letting some tears fall. We break apart. He wipes my tears away. I smile.

"Thank you for everything Hayes. I'm glad your mine." I say.

"Let's celebrate!" Carter yells. We all laugh. We start walking out of the park and to some random restaurant.

We walk hand in hand. I see some fans awe and take pictures. We both laugh. "We'll catch up with you!" Hayes yells to the guys. They nod and start playing around.

We walk in the woods. I look up to see lanterns hanging from the trees. I laugh knowing what he's doing. "You remember." He says. "Of coarse why wouldn't I?" I respond.

We get to our secret place. He turns the music up from the speaker. "May I have this dance?" He asks giving a small bow.

"You may." I say. << haha that rhymed.

Anyway..... We start dancing like we did on our first date. He spins me around. I can't help but laugh. He smiles and pulls me close to him.

"What's funny?" He asks.

"You still dance like a 5th grader." I joke. We both just laugh.

"Well they don't have what I have. You. I'm glad I can call you mine." He says and kisses my cheek.

I smile and lay my head on his shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck. I close my eyes breathing in and out.

"Thanks again Hayes." I say looking up at him.

"Anything for you. Now come on. Let's go celebrate." He says.

We both smile and walk to a restaurant where the guys are at. IHOP..... Wouldn't of guessed it.

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