<3 Garden of millano

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  When the young sun appeared in the orange sky, her fingertips of flitter, the girls and boys went jogging. They took Gibby near the Secret Garden of Millano, entering the gates of a bouquet of fragrances, friendship, and freedom - Where I climbed the fence despite the high wings that pushed me back and tipped me over like a large vase not ready to be shattered. Dogs barked behind me, there voices slowly echoing and fading as I went further from distance, free from their leash, I could sense the growls near my toes. I made my way near the mysterious kitty who never failed to meet me in my doorstep, who led me to the Garden of Millino with her fuzzy black fur, and bright yellow eyes. I was glorified with the presense of flowers in all kinds. 

"I love you." They told me.

"I love us." They told me. 

"They love me." The kitty said.

"They love us." The kitty repeated. 

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