I looked at the screen to find a text from mom. Opening it, I read the words:

Hi Kar. It's mom. I was just getting a bit worried about you. Just wanted to make sure you were alright and everything. I figure you're probably at a friend's house so just text me when you get this. Love you baby.

I smiled, appreciating her concern. I sent her a quick message back:

Morning mama. I'm actually at Luke's place but don't worry we didn't even sleep in the same bed. I'll probably be home in a few hours. Not sure though. Love you and I'll see you at home. <3

Locking it, I sat up and looked at Luke, feeling a bit guilty about the slight lie. But I was partly true. We did start off in separate rooms.

"That was my mom wondering where I was. I said I was here but nothing bad happened," I explained when Luke looked at me questioningly.

"Ah, I see," he said a bit dramatically. A sudden smile appeared on his lips, making my heart flutter. "You know what sounds really good right now?"

"What?" I couldn't help but smile as well as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Waffle sticks. I have some frozen ones that are really good. We should make them," he suggested happily.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," I giggled at his enthusiasm. "I don't think I've ever had waffle sticks."

"Well you're having them today! Let's go!" He took my hand in his and pulled me up from the bed. I stumbled a bit and he froze, looking at me with concern. "Sorry if that was a little rough," he apologized quickly.

"Why are you apologizing? My foot just got caught in the sheets. Happens all the time," I laughed. "Don't worry about it. You did nothing."

"Oh, alrighty then. Let's go make waffle sticks!" With that he marched to the kitchen to make breakfast, and I followed close behind.


"These are so good," I said through a mouthful of food.

"Told ya," he grinned, putting another forkful in his mouth.

"I never would've expected frozen food to be this good. Back in America a lot of frozen food kinda sucks," I laughed. Taking a sip of milk, I got a sense of nostalgia. "You know, I used to sit at the kitchen table every Saturday morning and eat waffles and milk with my mom?" I said softly.

"No, I didn't that. But I'm glad you could experience that again. Sort of," he grinned.

I nodded, looking at my plate. "Yeah. Thank you again Luke. For last night and this and just...for being you." My voice was quiet and a bit hesitant. "I'm sorry I reacted the way I did at the dance. I just kinda jumped to concl-"

"It's fine Kara," he cut me off as I put my head in my hands, knotting my fingers in my hair. He lifted my chin slowly, and tears pricked behind my eyes. "I'm sorry it happened in the first place," he assured me with a small smile.

"Please don't try to take the blame for how I reacted, Luke. I could've just talked to you. I didn't have to be so mad at you. I didn't have to lock myself in my room and take a razo-" I caught myself before telling him what I did to myself. But not quick enough.

His eyes widened slightly and he was silent as his gaze flickered to my arms then back to my face. I couldn't keep eye contact and just stared at the surface of the table. I followed the grain of the wood round and round, trying to contain my tears. My fingernails dug lightly into my scalp as I sat there regretting the words that had accidentally escaped my mouth.

Rejects // Punk Luke Hemmingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें