The Fight

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It's July 21st and we are still on tour and I'm getting fat. Yay me. I went from 113lbs to 120 in 3 weeks and I'm very moody, I yelled at Andy yesterday for sneezing. I apologized but I could tell he was still upset. I woke up today and he was already gone so me and Copelin walked around to find him.
"Hey babe where were you this morning?" I asked when we finally found him
"Oh, hey yah I left to help set up." He didn't look at me.
"Can we talk?"
"Yah I guess." We walked over to the bus and I sat on the couch he just stood there.
"Are you still mad at me?" I asked
"What makes you say that?" He shrugged
"Oh I don't know, maybe because you haven't talked to me in like 2 days and you didn't even kiss me goodnight last night." I wanted to cry. But I held back.
"Yah ok I'm a little mad but it's obviously doesn't matter."
"It does matter! I apologized for yelling at you! IM FUCKING PREGNANT ANDY!"
"I UNDERSTAND THAT LUZ BUT THE THING IS... YOU KNOW WHAT NEVER MIND!" He stormed out of the bus. I started to cry, a lot, then Ash walked in to grab his sunglasses.
"Hey. Hey what are you crying?" He sat down next to me and side hugged me.
"Andy and I were fighting and he yelled at me and stormed out." I cried into his chest.
"Oh, kid I'm sorry." He started to rub my back "Want me to talk to him for you?"
"No cause then he'll hate you too." I whipped my eyes which smeared my makeup
"Awe baby, he doesn't hate you." He looked into my eyes
"Yes he does! He hates me because I got pregnant! I told my self he wasn't ready and neither was I! He hates me because I'm getting fat and ugly and moody." I started to cry harder
"No he doesn't and no your not! Your still the girl he fell in love with even if your moody. He is just stressed out. He'll come around Luz I promise." He kissed my forehead and walked out side. Maybe he's right. I went to my bunk mad took a nap.
"Hey!" I yelled as I walked up to Andy
"Hey ash. Ouch! WHAT THE FUCK!?!" I pushed him
"What the hell is your problem this week man?"
"What are you talking about?" He looked confused
"Well maybe it's the fact that I just walked into the bus to find a crying Luz saying that you hated her." I looked at him waiting for an explanation
"She's crying?" He looked like he hated himself
"Yah she's crying and she thinks you hate her."
"Shit." He started to run back to the bus.
I was bolting towards the bus. I can't believe I made her think that I hated her, I can't believe I made her cry! I'm such an idiot!
I bolted in the door. She was asleep in her bunk and I walked over and kissed her head. Her eyes fluttered open. They were red and puffy. I could definitely tell she was crying. She saw me and turned her back to me. "What do you want?" She had an upset/ mad tone.
"I'm sorry Luz."
"For what?" She still wasn't looking at me so I'll pulled her up and out of her bunk and set her down on the couch.
"For being an ass hole." I sat down next to her and pulled he on to my lap.
"Oh that. I didn't even notice." She looked away from me again. I put my hand on her stomach. She was now 3 months pregnant and it was showing.
"Don't act like that Luz. I'm apologizing. I don't hate you and your not getting fat, your growing a life. A little us inside you. Your still beautiful and I love you." I kissed her and she kissed me back.
"I love you too Andy." She got up off me and then I got up. I intertwined out fingers together and we walked out of the bus and to the stage. That was our first real fight that we yelled at each other. I never want tot do it agin. I kissed her and went on stage and she watched me with her hands on her stomach. God I loved this women.

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