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I had just gotten the door unlocked when I walked in and saw him I dropped my bag and my keys.
"Andy. W-what are you doing?" I said so shocked I could barely speak.
"What I've been wanting to do for 2 years baby girl." He said smiling.
He was on one knee ring box in hand wearing his black skinny jeans and no shirt his hair was in his normal just got out of bed look and his smile was big and beautiful there was roses all over our apartment.
"Luz Reese Whitten, will you do me the honor of being my one and only for the rest of my life?" He asked smiling even bigger
"Yes." I said barely a whisper "Yes!" I screamed running into his arms. He put the black ring on my finger and it fit perfectly. I loved him so much he was, is my everything and that feeling in my gut went away I was complete, finally I had everything I ever wanted in my life.
We started to make out and that lead to the sexy time. Haha u loved this man.
I love her more than life it self. She is my everything I don't know what I would do without her in my life. Of course after sexy time she called Copelin. All I could hear was screaming and for once I was wanting to cry of happiness. I just wish Chris was here to see how happy I was. RIP my good friend. He would have been my best man. But I called Ashley and asked him he obviously said yes and the others agreed to be my groomsmen. I couldn't be happier.
I called my other close friend Crystal or as she is known Glitter. (She's a stripper) but I love her and she's my friend I wanted her to my be bridesmaid. I don't have many close friends or friends period so I just had one bridesmaid and a maid of honor. Andy and I made a date for our wedding October 31st because who doesn't love Halloween I mean it's amazing haha and also it gave us 7 months to plan it out. I was so happy I thought I was gonna faint!!
ANDY: hey babe
ME: hey sexy
ANDY: haha ur crazy and I love it
ME: I love u
ANDY: I love u too baby girl but I'm going to be a little late tonight me and the guys r going to a bachelor party for me tonight
ME: that's a good idea I might have my bachelorette party tonight too
ANDY: ok I love u babe
ME: I love u too don't let those strippers get u ;)
ANDY: lol I won't
I called Copelin and Crystal. They thought it was a great idea and planed the whole thing in an hour and then picked me up.
"First we are going to a fancy dinner, after that a limo will pick us up and take us to Pickles and Dickles for strippers, then we will go to a bar and get guys hopes up just to tell them we r taken."
"Sounds great." Said Luz
"Ahem! I'm single you bunch a bitches." Crystal said all sassy like
"Oh shit I forgot. Um well I guess lie until you find a guy that is hot." I said trying not to laugh
We drove to the restaurant.
"Reservation for Glitter." Said coco
Trying not to laugh the waiter gave us a table.
We are it was really good. The limo came and picked us up at first I was a little skeptic about leaving my car at the restaurant but I didn't care anymore we went to the strip club. After a few hours and about a hundred 1$ we went to the bar. We hit on guys for a while and got a few boners out of them when they walked in. I got up and walked over to the tall skinny one and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.
"Hey babe." He said with a sly smile
"Hey." I smiled back. He was too cute in his black skinny jeans and his cut up misfits shirt.
I saw Ashley walk over to crystal and Alex to Copelin they made out for a while Andy and I sat at the bar between the four of them while cc, Jinxx, and Jake went drinking in the corner. Andy and I talked but mostly we ease dropped on Crystal and Ashley. Let's just say he was a flirty birdie, it was cute tho cause little did he know Crystal had a huge crush on him but she was playing hard to get, cause you know the whole stripper thing haha. But just when he was about to give up she kissed him, hard too not just a little kiss. Copelin and Alex stopped and looked at them so did the rest of the guys and of course me and Andy were already balls deep in that conversation. We all went home, Copelin with Alex, Andy with me, Ashley with Crystal, and the guys with their gals. It was a great night.

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