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Toady I head off to warped tour I'm so excited! It's going to be exciting being there with Luz this year. I walked into the bedroom and woke up Luz. "Baby, gotta get up we have to go."
"Haha. Are you all packed and ready?"
"Yah I guess so." She said with her head still in her pillow.
"K then you gotta, uh, get up" I said as I lifted her up. Her arms went around my neck and she opened her eyes to look at me.
"Fine." She kissed me and I put her on her feet, she walked to the bathroom, I assumed to do her hair and makeup but then she came out with her hair in a messy bun and no makeup. She still looked beautiful.
"Get dressed." I said smiling at her. I watched her put on black sweat pants and a bra then a tank top she called them her "fat clothes" then I grabbed her bags and put them in the bus. When I went back in to grab mine she was back in the bed. I just laughed and grabbed my bags. I walked back in and carried her to the bus she still had her blanket and pillow with her so I put them in her bunk and then put her in there. Then we went to pick up the guys.
30 minutes later
We arrived at the guys place and they loaded all their shit in the bus. "Where's Luz?" Asked Ashley.
"Bunk." I pointed to her bunk. "She's sleeping still."
"Damn, she's not a morning person huh?"
"Nope. Haha, so be quite. She will cuss your ass out if you wake her up before she's ready."
"I don't want to receive that wrath." Laughed CC
"Me either man." Jake said from the bathroom
Jinxx just nodded and laughed. We drove for a a while and and we were stopping at the next gas station for snacks and gas. As we were pulling into the gas station I heard a noise coming from Luz's bunk. She got out and her hair was everywhere.
"Haha, hey babe." I kissed her forehead
"OMG WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?!" Yelled Ashley pointing at Luz.
She flipped him off with that face that made me laugh, the fuck you face. Ash laughed and hugged her. "I'm just kidding baby girl."
"Haha it was so funny." She smiled a little bit and rolled her eyes. She redid her hair and we went inside to get food. When we got back to the bus I sat on the couch and Luz sat on my lap. "Hey babe." She kissed me
"Hey Luz." I smiled at her
"Hey! No frickle frackling on the couch!" Yelled Jake
We just laughed and started to make out. The bus started to drive again.
"Three and a half hours till we get to our first stop!" Yelled the bus driver.
Our first stop for warped tour was in California. We lived in California but where we had our first show was farther away.
"Are you excited?"
"Of course I am we met on warped tour!" Luz giggled and ran her fingers through my hair, I kissed her again. We met on warped tour on August 2nd and that's when my whole life changed for the better.
Three and a half hours later
I didn't feel very good. My stomach hurt but it wasn't my stomach it was like it was in my chest. I think I need to throw up, I jumped up off Andy's lap and ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. Andy came running in and held my loose hairs back and put them into my bun. "Are you ok babe?"
"I-I don't know, I just, oh feel horrible."
"Ok I think u should lay down in your bunk and I'll give you this little trash can just in case." I just nodded
"You ok kid?" Asked Jake. I couldn't talk so I just gave him a thumbs up.
When I was in my bunk Andy gave me the trash can and put a wet wash cloth on my head when he left I texted Copelin.
ME: hey can u meet us up at the first show and maybe stay for a while on tour I'm not feeling so well
COPELIN: yah sure any thing for u. Are u ok?
ME: idk I just threw up and I'm so tired I think I might have the flu
COPELIN: I hate to say this baby, are u pregnant?
ME: no! I can't be I've always used protection!
COPELIN: I'll buy a test on my way. I'm leaving now be there soon.
ME: ok love u cope
COPELIN: love u too
Could I be pregnant!?! I mean yah I've gained a little weight but I also have been eating more, and my boobs have been bigger too. Ugh I can't be pregnant, I'm too young to be pregnant and Andy is in a band there is no way we are ready for this! We just got married like like 9 months ago! I thought about this so much I guess I fell asleep. When I woke up Andy was kissing my forehead. "Hey baby we are here. How are you feeling?" He whispered
"Better I don't feel sick anymore I think I can go with you. But I'm going to wait for Copelin she's on her way."
"Alright I suppose that I will meet you at the main stage." He kissed my forehead and I gave him a quick hug and he left. About ten minutes later Copelin came in the door and gave me the test.
"It takes about three minutes to give you the results." She said as she handed it to me. I gave her a weak smile. To be honest I was scared.
I peed on the stick. Now I wait.
Three minutes later
"Shit." I whispered to my self "Shit. Shit. Shit!" I yelled "It's positive." I told her
"Yah!! Your gonna be a great mom Luz! Andy is gonna be a great dad too!"
"I'm not ready Copelin we are both so young and we just got married! He's in a band! We are not ready for this!!!!"
"Stop. You are ready. You guys will be great parents." She hugged me
"Yes. Go tell him Luz he's going to be happy I promise!" I hugged her and she went to walk around and I went to Andy.
"Hey babe how you feelin?"
Scared "Great how bout you?"
"Wonderful now that your here." He kissed my nose.
"Can you come over here with me for a quick second?" I started to pull him a little bit to the side of the stage so we could be alone.
"Yah what's up."
"I have something to tell you and I'm not really sure how to say it but here it goes." I blew out some air
"Your scaring me Luz what's going on?" He had a worried look come across his face.
"I'm pregnant." I said as I looked at my shoes.
"Woah. Really?" He sounded shocked
"Are you mad at me? Because I just found out like 5 minutes ago I swear." I looked at his face then back at my shoes
He picked me up and spun around and kissed me. "Luz how could I be mad I'm gonna be a dad! I'm going to have a child with the women I love! I'm thrilled!" He kissed me again. "Was that what Copelin had in that bag? A pregnancy test?"
"Um yah." I was a little bit more relived and kind of happy!
"What's wrong babe?" He looked worried again
"Nothing I was just scared. Still am mostly because I'm so young and your in a band." I put my face on his chest.
"Babe who cares! I'm going to be a dad!" He did this cute little smile and picked me up and kissed me again. That made me smile, but also caught the attention of Jake and CC who then told Ash and Jinxx then they all came over to us.
"What the hell is going on?" Asked CC
Andy looked at me as if asking for permission, I nodded. "I'm going to be a dad!" He smiled. The guys looked at me, he was still holding me.
"Really?!?" Exclaimed Jinxx
All the guys gave their congrats and hugs and then went to get ready to go on stage.
"I have to go get ready. I love you." He kissed me and jogged over to get ready. I smiled and called Copelin.
"Hello." She answered
"Hey meet me at the main stage!" I had to yell because it was loud over here.
"Kk." She hung up
"Hey! What did he say?" She asked hugging me at the side of the stage.
"He was really happy!" I yelled back
"I'm so glad Luz!"
"Love you cope!" We hugged
"Love you too!"
BVB went on stage and the first song they sang was Rebel Love Song as they played he looked back at me and winked.
I cannot hide what's on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what's mine
Let us start living for today

Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time

So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song

My outlaw eyes have seen their lies
I choke on all they had to say
When worlds collide what's left inside
I hold on tight and hear you pray

Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time

So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song

Wild and running for one reason
They can't stop us from our freedom
(Wild and running for one reason
They can't stop us from our freedom)

Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time

So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song

So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song
At the end he looked at me and I nodded and he announced my pregnancy to the whole crowd. Everyone cheered, screamed, and clapped. I smiled and Andy ran back and kissed me then played two more songs. When I walked off stage to get some water Juliet was down there waiting for me. Shit. That's just great.
"Hey." She gave me a cold stare.
"Hi Juliet." I smiled at her. Despite what she did to Andy I still really liked her, and her music she was really great. It's just the fact I'm married to the guy she "loved" made her hate me.
"So your carrying the baby that should be mine huh." She followed me to the place I put down my water.
"Um I mean if you want to say that sure whatever." I drank some of my water and put it back down.
"It should be me!" She said as she pushed me
As I hit the ground Copelin came and helped me up.
"You are living what should have been my life and I hate you for it!"
Copelin was holding me still so I wouldn't fall back down.
Andy ran over because he saw what just happened.
"Hey there's the man of the hour!" She yelled into the sky
"What the hell Juliet!?" He held onto my arm making sure I was ok and the baby. (Even though I didn't know how far along I was)
"We are fine." I reassured him
He nodded and called his body guards to remove Juliet.
"Babe are you ok?" He hugged me
"Yes baby I'm fine."
"What about my baby boy." He put his hand on my stomach
"Boy? How do you know it's gonna be a boy?" I laughed.
"Just a guess haha." He kissed the top of my head
"Well I don't even know how far along I am so I don't even know how big it is yet." I took his hand off my belly and kissed him.
"I guess we will have to find a doctor today then huh."
"My doctor isn't that far away from here." Copelin interjected.
"Can you make an appointment now?" I asked
"He takes walk-ins." She assured me
"Let's go now!" I pushed her towards her car
"I'll miss you!!" Andy yelled.
"I'll miss you too babe! Love you!!" I blew him a kiss. "Let's go cope!! I'm ready to know about this little guy." I smiled to myself as I rubbers my belly.

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