The Text That Started It All

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Andy's POV:
2 days after I saw her, I finally got a text of course I replied fast!
LUZ: um hi
ME: hey cutie
Ugh why did I say that I'm an idiot.
LUZ: so um sorry I haven't texted you
ME: it's okay worth the wait
LUZ: so wyd
ME:(Thinking about you) nothing much wby
LUZ: getting ready to go to the mall with my best friend Alexis
ME: what mall?
LUZ: Aurora mall
ME: what time
LUZ: I'm like 10 minutes why?
ME: no reason gtg tho
LUZ: oh um ok bye
Aurora mall. That's um... "Jake how far away are we from the Aurora mall?"
"I'm about 15 minutes?"
"Okay I'll be out for a few hours I'll meet up with you guys later!" I said running out the door grabbing my keys before I slammed the door behind me.
Luz's POV:
ANDY: what mall?
ME: Aurora mall
ANDY: what time
ME: I'm like 10 minutes why?
ANDY: no reason gtg tho
MW: oh um ok bye
I told my self not to text him and when I do he leaves me that's just great. Well Copelin is here I better get in the car.
"Bye mom!" I yelled before getting in my car with Copelin. I turned on my radio and popped in my bvb cd and started to drive to the mall. About 10 minutes later we were there and we went inside the first store we went to was hot topic (my favorite store ever) obviously. I bought some more gauges and some shirts when I turned around and ran into someone. I fell flat on my ass. Of course. A hand reached out in front of me when I looked up to grab it my eyes got big again at least my mouth stayed shut this time. I grabbed Andy's hand and he pulled me up into a friendly hug and the lady behind the counter looked like she was about to faint.
"C-can I um have an autograph?!" She asked sounding a little squeaky.
"Sure." He said still looking at me with his big beautiful smile. Copelin was looking at him with big eyes and then she looked at me and I looked at her. Andy still looking at me said, "How are you?"
"I-I um I'm fine what about you?"
"Great now that I'm here with you." He said with a smile still on his face getting bigger and cuter by the second. I introduced him to Copelin and she screamed so loud people at the food court looked at her and she hugged him with such force he almost fell over.
"Omg! Andy I love you and your music!!!"
"Haha thanks." Omg his laugh is the sexiest laugh ever. I smiled and blushed a little he saw I was blushing and then he blushed.
We walked around the mall for a while, I was getting looks by so many girls who I'm guessing were fangirls he just laughed it off and put his arm around my shoulder and Copelin couldn't stop talking!
We walked to the end where they puppy store was and we went inside (obviously) because who doesn't love puppy's. We walked in and Andy saw this little pug puppy and he couldn't stop looking at it I walked over to him and said "What a cutie."
"Thanks I can be pretty cute from time to time." He said with a smirk on his handsome face omg I want to kiss that face right now but he has a girlfriend.
"Smart ass!" I said playfully
Long story short he ended up buying that pug and gave it to me he named it Blade cause Blade is a "bad ass" name as he put it.
After I dropped Copelin off at her house and Blade off at my house Andy dropped his car off at my house too and I drove him around the city. We ended up going to elitches and we rode tons of roller coasters. "I wish you brought a swim suit." He said not looking at me
"So I could see you in a bikini. Duh!" He laughed and I blushed. Damn blush!
Andy's POV:
I can't believe I just said that! I'm such an idiot I probably sound like a perv. Ugh! I hate my self!
"I'm not a perv though I swear!" I said to make sure she knew.
"I know haha." Omg her laugh is perfect it's soft and cute. I drove her around after elitches because she looked tired I asked if she wanted to go see the guys and she said sure before falling asleep I texted her parents for her using Siri because I don't know her password. We got to the hotel and I carried her up to mine and Ashley's room. The look he gave me when I put her on my bed made me blush hard I looked like a cherry! He made a kissy face at me and then I laughed because he also made a thrust motion with his hips. I went to watch tv until she woke up.
Luz's POV:
I saw Ashely make a kissy face and thrust motion with his hips but I do t think I was supposed to so I pretended to be asleep for another 30 minutes I just listened to Ashley and Andy laugh ugh Andy's laugh so deep and sexy I smelled his sheets talking in his scent as if I was bathing in it till I finally got up and went to sit on the couch but they're were only two spots and they were both taken so I stood there and watched the TV, when Andy pulled me on to his lap I blushed as he put his arms around my waist and held me on his lap. We stayed like that for a while till CC and Jake came in and screamed "PIZZA!!!!" Then they both stopped and looked at me and smiled at Andy he blushed hard and we all went in the kitchen to eat pizza. After that I said my food byes and went down to my car Andy close behind me.
"Do you wanna go out sometime?"
"Um yah sure!"
"How about Friday? 7 o'clock?"
"Sounds great! Pick me up at 6:30."
He walked away smiling so big. He's so cute I turned around to get in my car when I dropped my keys.
Andy's POV:
I heard her drop her keys so I turned around right as she bent over in her booty shorts. Damn she had a nice ass. Omg I need to go upstairs now I ran upstairs and grabbed a pillow the guys looked at me like I was an ax murder then they realized what I was hiding with that pillow and they laughed their little hearts out.

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