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Luz's POV:
It's been 3 months since Andy left for tour and tomorrow is Christmas he promised to be here but he hasn't texted me in over a week so I don't know if he is. We have been dating for 4 and a half months and about a month ago he said I love you for the first time and of course I said it back.
He said he was getting me something special for Christmas but he won't tell me what it is.
Andy's POV:
I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to talk to Luz which sucks I hope she still loves me the same its been almost 2 weeks. Her Christmas present is that I'm going to take her on tour with us this next year since she decided not to go to collage she recently decided she wanted to move out of her parents house being that she is now 19. I just got a ticket to go back and see her. I'm getting on a plane in two hours, with the guys of course.
Luz's POV:
It's Christmas Day and I am going over to Alexis's house with my parents today and Andy hasn't texted me so I don't think he is coming. I put on my black jeans and my black t-shirt that has a skull on it and I recently shaved the side of my head in a part and dyed my hair black so I looked even more pale than I already did in the summer time. I drove to Copelin's house my parents followed behind me. I got to Copelin's house and noticed a car that didn't belong to anyone there I figured it was James's new car but I didn't know. I walked inside and was greeted by someone who put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who!" Said a strangely familiar voice
"Um" I had to think and then I smelled cigarettes, it was, "Andy!" Omg he actually came!! He turned me around and kissed me slow and passionate.
"I love you." He said smiling
"I love me too." I said turning away to walk into the kitchen to see Copelin.
"Baby!!!" Said Copelin
"I missed you baby!" I said back because we haven't seen each other in a little over a week. I was doing all this to torture Andy but I didn't see him. I walked into the living room and saw him sitting on the couch with like this face I had never seen before today.
"Are you okay?" I asked sitting down next to him.
"Yah I'm fine thanks." He said not even glancing at me.
"No your not talk to me." I said stroking his hair.
"I haven't talked to you in over 2 weeks and when I say I love you you go and say it to her not me. So yah I'm a little pissed off because it's like you didn't even miss me." He said getting red and hot.
"Babe. Seriously I was just fucking around with you I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"I know I was fucking with you too." He said laughing and starting to get up off the couch.
I pulled him down and punched him in the arm then kissed him. "Smart ass!"
He pulled me on to his lap and we started to make out when Copelin came in and ruined it.
"STOP SCREAMING!!!" I yelled back at her
We both started to die laughing she fell on the floor I fell off Andy and then to the floor and we were both just laughing so loud until Copelin snorted then we stopped and looked at each other then we heard footsteps coming fast down the hall way when Jake, CC, Ashley, and Jinxx came sprinting down the hall and dog piled on me and Copelin and was on the top of the pile and we all started to laugh.
Few hours later
We were all sitting down at dinner. The guys are most of the food and after dinner we are pie and cupcakes then we went home I went to my new apartment which Andy didn't know about and now he does. "It's nice." He said
"Yah. I have 2 rooms for when Copelin decides to move in. But for now it's just us."
"I got you something." He said
"What is it??"
"I'm taking you on tour with us next year!" He said excitedly.
"Really!" That was my long time dream to go on tour with a band and not only that bvb is my absolute favorite band and plus extra perks cause he's my boyfriend.
"Yah I can't wait for you to experience it with us!!"
Long story short we made out you know what that lead to. ;D
New Year's Day
On New Year's Day we did another dinner but at my apartment this time and me and Andy did the New Years kiss thing and everyone spent the night at my apartment and I was up first so I made breakfast and got some monsters out of the fridge Andy woke up next and we made out in the kitchen for a while until it looked like others were about to wake up.
Ashley was up after us and he woke up everyone else with a very loud, "HAPPY THE FIRST OF JANUARY MOTHER FUCKERS!!" So everyone was pretty mad at him after that. Andy and I thought it was hilarious but then again we had already had food and monster.
That whole day we pretty much just went to all the hot topics everywhere in colorado it was fun since they bought everything haha. Then everyone went their separate ways and me and Andy went to my house and "relaxed". ;D

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