office days

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i smiled as i walked to the window and smiled as i looked out side. as the boss came back he handed the files over. as i walked out of the office door i walked over to the fruit stand and grabbed an apple. as i walked by the front desk i looked over and saw the hokage arguing with the receptionist i walked over "Ma'am you can sit down" she looked at me to yell at me but she stopped before she let anything out besides a loud squeal. "oh i d.d.i..d...n..'t know it was you Ms.Haruno" as i looked to the hokage i noticed my sister with an annoyed face as my mother looked at me with a similar face to sakura's. my father was looking around at the people. "HEY IM A HARUNO TOO" the lady looked at my sister with a pissed off face "well i don't gave a damn who you are your NOT IMPORTANT TO ANY ONE HERE SO FUCK OFF CHILD BESIDES YOU ARE LOW TO OUR STANDARDS " the lady did a 180 personality and i smiled "you do know she is my older sister" her face gave a scared look as i smirked she began to stutter over her face as my sister gave her a smirk "well ma'am don't worry i think she isnt much of an importance and i dont mind so have fun yelling at her.......OH and she is scared of blood"  "oh really" the lady replied and gave an evil look as she brought out a packet of blood from the cabent next to her and opened it. what she did shocked me but i was dieing from laughter . i mean come on imagen sakura with blood covering her dress and her face, it was priceless. i stood back up and had a huge smile on my "oh the best parts of being back in the office" everyone had a look of shock "well come on follow me to my office and answer the questions i want to" as i arrived at my office i set the file onto the desk and speard the information about the case around. i looked at the hokage "so what can i help you with?" he sat down "i need to know what you are doing here" i looked down at my desk and moved my hand over to the folder with the basic information and handed it to him "i am solving the kids murder as i am sure kakashi has told you about" he was reading it

"ah yes i gave this to the boss and he said his most trusted and skilled assassin would be handling this case" i smiled "that explains why he handed it to me before you walked in" i started to read over and recognized a brand that was found inside the girls mouth on her lowed lip to be specitic. i grabbed the phone and diled the boss's number

"yeah i did ..

yes they are here...

i need you come in...

yes i get it but i dont give a damn about who you have on their knees infront of your desk....

well hurry or i will leave"

i smiled as the boss came in "so what did you need to tell me?"

"i figured out who killed the girl.. well you see this mark it is created by chakra which foreign chakra was found in her system it is created because all chakra is different not one is the same so it is a brand he practicly signed it for you. i used to do the same with my kills as a signiture to prove i had done it so that is the only thing that can link anyone to the body and it can only be identified by some one who had watched a person being brand since it wont appear on any body for a minimum of a week to gave the person time to disappear or remove it. the guy's name is Fuiji Fuyu. He is not widly know since he was sent out to kill for his mentor and never placed any brand on any one but since i was the instuctor for this teaching i have photographic memory i can place a face and brand together." 

he smiled okay ill will send someone to check the video of the test and see if he made the brand.

As the hokage continued to talk with the boss. kakashi walked over to me and handed me a piece of paper{your parents are pissed as well as your sister} i rolled my eyes "why do i care?"  he looked at me then looked away.

Sasuke POV

after we left the office it was a surprise as naruto was actually quiet. sakura wasn't discouraged to flirt with me which is a pain. "naruto why were you quiet inside?" he stopped and looked at me "i didnt know she was THE haruno if i had i wouldn't have acted like this" i gave a questioning look intil it regestered he has been there before.Everyone kept walking but we soon left our own ways and of course sakura offered that i walk her home.hell no it isn't going to happen. as i walked down the road i felt like some one was following me. i turned around "i know you're here!" a cat or more like miniture tiger came out and watched me it scared me to be honest.

the tiger came over to me and gently pushed me towards the direction of my house. once i fed the tiger. He. which i found out when i called him a her and he growled at me. i nearly peed my pants.


we all stood waiting for kakashi.Sakura was trying to get my attention while surprisingly naruto was quiet for once.Kakashi arrived with another lame excuse and this time only being yelled at by sakura. "naruto have you been to that office before" naruto looked up but his eyes were no longer held the light it once held they were hard,deprived of any emotion and an end less pool of blue. "yes i wanted to become THE harunos apprentence which is why i pretended to like sakura since she was a haruno but if she hates sakura there is no point in act the way i do at least not anymore." all of us looked at him with a look of shocked "so i no longer have to act like the happy little kid anymore" he stood and took his jacket off then snapped his fingers causing a genjutsu to be released. naruto was now wearing a black shirt with instead of orange pants they turned grey and naruto had a sword on his back, and he also had what appeared to be no chakra which is weird since no one could hide there chakra completely. He looked at us and signed." Well im going to go train since kakashi won't teach sakura or I anything." He disappeared which was a surprise for everyone even me. 

i hate life......kakashiWhere stories live. Discover now