i hate life......kakashi

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my sister is allowed to be a ninja but i wasnt allowed my parents thought i was weak pysically and mentally. i walked outside and walked down the mild crowd streets. i turned the corner and saw a guy he was well cute he could be hot if he tried but i guess what upset me was the way he was acting not towards me obviously but towards my sister. i could see the love he had in his eyes for her. i sighed as i turned and continued down the streets but before i could leave i saw from my peripheral vision a silver haired guy looking at me. one eye was covered by a head band the other was black with curiosity in his eyes. Not much stood out from the group except the blonde kid with a very high voice. i walked around getting a few fruits and vegs here and there. i bought some tomatos,mangos,and apples.i started to head towards the house when i started to think of my sister she had long pink hair while i had what people called soft white hair, her eyes were green while i had light purple eyes, she wore a dress but i wore a short kimono, she wore her headband in her hair while i had a pink flower clip with smaller flower clips around it, people called her pretty while i was cute, she wore black ninja sandles while i wore purple japanese wooden shoes also known as geta, she wore a weapons pouch on her right leg while i wore a slash with a purple ribbon that hid my senbons, she was the short tempered while i was considered the level headed one, we both liked the color pink, we were both the same height, we both liked shopping her more than I, she both liked to eat mangos, she was always trying to find better ways to be better for her sasuke while i thought it was usless. she throws weapons with her right while i throw with both hands. we were so different and very little alike. i looked up at the sky it was a softish baby blue the white clouds stood out as the drifted away at a slow calm pace. i passed the playground where the kids would play. some would play tag others played ninja. i chuckled as a young one fell on his butt when trying to jump from a chair to the floor. i continued to walk home. i opened the door and was surprised to see my sister home with her team. "oh sis your back my team came to see the house and meet mom and dad." i looked at her and nodded my head as i closed the door and headed for the kitchen i stopped after placing the stuff on the table and turned to see everyone followed me "what are you doing?" the cute blonde one answered with a "IM NARUTO UZUMAKI AND I WILL BE THE HOKAGE" my sister hit him on the head. "oh well i hope i get to see that happen uzumaki-san" i turned to take the items out as i took out the mangos i opened the  small bag which contained nine inside and washed one as i walked back to the table and passed my sister i put my hand out offering the mango to my big sister in return she gladly took it from my hand and walked towards the living room as naruto followed her like a lost puppy her sensei followed as well. i took out the tomatoes when i noticed the blue haired boy's hand twitch. i grabbed a tomato and calmly walked to the sink and washed it. i turned to the blue haired boy "i will give you this" i shook my hand "if you politely tell me your name " i looked at him waiting for an answer. "if i tell you my name you must tell me your name" i looked at him already knowing the answer but i placed a finger on my chin "i guess its only right " i smiled at him as he huffed and bowed to me as he stood back up he looked at me in the eyes"i am uchiha,sasuke the youngest son of the head of the uchiha clan" i looked at him and smiled i nodded my head showing that i acknowledge him " i am haruno, amaya i am the youngest daughter to the haruno family" i bowed after i stated my name and family. as i stood back up i handed the tomato to uchiha-san. "thankyou uchiha-san for stating extra information" he looked at me with slight shock before he gently took the tomato acting as if i am glass at any moment i could brake. after he recomposed himself my sister came back "SASUKE what is taking so long?" he looked at her with a bored look "i introduced my self to your younger sister Amaya and asked for a tomato. " he walked away. my sister looked at me with a glare before her eyes soften "sis you should have just asked me who he was i know everything there is to know about sasuke uchiha" she was quite proud of the information she knew and dreamily said his name well i feel bad for him . i made my eyes soften and spoke in a low shy voice" i ju-just wanted him to tell me instead of asking for help big sister" i looked down for extra effect. she smiled at me " well good for you my little sister" she walked into the living room as i smiled and chuckled while shaking my head "now that is a little nasty trick amaya " i looked at the silver haired man " only people who call me amaya is my family,friends and people who i have introduced my self to so for your information its just the second haruno." i walked out of the room and out back to were i saw sasuke training his throwing with his right hand and eating the tomato in his left. naruto trying to beat him as my sister cheered for sasuke. i turned to my left to see sakura's sensei standing next to me. i felt the air slightly shift i moved to my right enough as not to get hit,grabbed the kunai."IM SO SORRY SAKURA'S SISTER" that only made me irritated he didn't even know or ask for my name. i threw the kunai at naruto with more force than i normally would since my parents didn't like me "playing with knives" he fell to the floor to avoid the kunai. the kunai hit the practice target behind naruto's head as it sunk in till the hilt touched the tree. "wow that would have killed me" sakura's sensei took a sharp breath. while every one else was silent"AMAYA YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE I AM TELLING MOM YOU WERE PLAYING WITH MY NINJA STUFF AND THEY WILL NEVER LET YOU TOUCH ANY KNIFE EVEN COOKING KNIFES." i could fell my fist closing in till blood was coming from my hands. i could feel every ones eyes on me. i could feel a sting in my eyes as i turned i opened my eyes and heard the sensei wisper "imposible" i knew my sharingan was now activated. GREATT another things going wrong today. luckily mom and dad weren't coming back for another week. sakura even with great memory was always to focused with sasuke and her looks she wouldn't remember to tell mom and dad. but her sensei would remember my eyes. i walked back inside and up to my room i left out through my window and headed to a small lake behind a few miles off the road.

Its now been a week since i left my room and I'm still at the lake of course i still need to eat after my training and the only place that opens at 4 am is this small food store. the manager always goes in early to prepare for the day. i walked through the door which sounds off the small bell. "AH amaya did your sister say she was going to tell your parents you were" he put his hands up creating air quotes" playing with knives again."  i smiled i always came here to avoid my sister when she said she would do something like well that. "jup one of her team mates was throwing a kunai when it head straight for my head and i simply reacted but he irritated me when he said sorry sakuras sister so i kinda threw the kunai a little to hard and made it hit the practice target behind his head and made it get stuck in the tree" he looked at me and shook his head while he started to make my normal order yakiniku with yakitori and its all meat. i was seated for a few minutes before my tea was brought to me just the way i like it i said a small thank you and slowly drank some tea. i heard the bell go off and looked at the door. I'm normally the only person here so early. i saw sakura's sensei at the door looking at me. he walked over and sat down across from me " my name is hatake, kakashi and you are?" i looked at him looked down and drank some tea then placed it on the table " i am haruno, amaya. what do you want hatake-san?" he looked at me before ordering some tea as well. " sakura told me you haven't been home" i shrugged my shoulders. "I'm surprise she even noticed this time" he looked at me with disbelief. "so this isn't the first time" i pick up my tea cup and wrapped both hands around it." nope she normally threatens me with something so i could get locked in my room for about a week. i wont be let out of my room so i could understand why my parents agreed to only allow sakura to become a ninja." i drank my tea as two huge plates were brought to the table. "here you two go it is on the house amaya so don't worry about it" he walked away as i looked at kakashi "well lets eat" i put down my cup and split my chopsticks in half. he put his hand on his mask so i looked away and slowly began to pick out food and place it on my plate and eat. "why did you look away" i looked up to see his frown behind the mask."well for starters you wear it to hide your self from preying eyes so i respect it and look away when you are going to eat. I'm not going to look if it is not mine to look at" i continued to eat and look at my food before i heard him say a soft thank you i could tell he still had his mask down since i could see the edge of the mask in my vision " why is sakura allowed to be a ninja and you are not you have the skill " i signed knowing he would want an answer"my mother says its because she is the oldest and has the right to do something i wont be doing but I've argued saying its something i actually want to make a carrier out of while my sister only wants to go for her so called sasuke." i looked at the food and moved it around before continuing "my dad says it shouldn't matter because i could easily find something else to do so I've been thinking of becoming a ninja of another village but i know my father would miss me while my mother would only hope her sakura doesn't become like her annoying second daughter." i continue to eat before I'm done. "kakashi" i could hear him move his head to look at me "yes amaya" i looked to my right "can you please put up your mask customers will begin to come in and i would like to leave" i hear riffling "I'm done" i look up to see he did indeed  put his mask up. i stood up and took out the correct amount of money for the order before placing it on the table "bye hatake- san" i walk towards the door and begin to push open the door"Amaya" i stop and look towards hatake "you can call me kakashi" i looked at him with slight surprise "okay hat-kakahsi-san well bye ill see you around" i walk out the door and walk towards the playground and sit down it was just about  6am now. i sit here in this very spot for a few hours.

today is the day our parents get back from their business trip......................................

The house on the side is a traditional japanese house which sakura and amaya live in 

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