why i threw away the flower...3

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chapter 3


Amaya's pov

i could help but smile while i was looking down. i stood up and walked to my room with every one following me. i stepped into my room i could still sense him in my room more like sitting on my bed. i looked at the bed and shook my head. i picked up the rose that was on the bed. i smelled it and smiled. "your an idiot" i walked over to the trash can and watched as it slowly fell into the trash. i heard my bed move. i looked towards the window "you can never be sorry enough for me to return" i walked towards the door as my sister stepped out from behind everyone. i stopped to look at her as she took out the rose and placed it in the vase on my table she looked at me "your keeping the rose" i looked at her with amusement "and why would i do something so stupid" she looked at the rose "because who ever he is he went through great lengths" i looked at her then walked out the door "oh sakura you don't know my life, the things Ive done, and this isn't the first time this happened, he does it every time he does something he regrets." i walked out the door "he couldn't have done anything that bad." she yelled as i walked out the house. i walked down a dirt road. and walked up to my shield. i touched it and watched as my hand went straight through it. i could feel another presence well two my ex plus kakashi's . "kakashi why don't you come out here." he walked up to my side. and put his hand out like mine but instead he could still see it i started to giggle and put up my hand and grabbed his hand as soon as i did his hand disappeared. i walked forward bringing kakashi forward. he walked forward and saw the house it was in a clearing. it was still kept clean since i always came once a month to clean it on my off day. i work at the bakery. i love to cook and bake food.  Any ways back to the subject. i walked into the house and went to my kitchen counter to get my mango. i walked back and saw him looking at everything. i smiled "well kakashi look around the house just not in my drawers i do have to wear undies." i started to laugh. "okay maybe that was inappropriate." i walked over to the couch as i looked at him he was looking at me with a grin on his face. "Amaya may i take a look around?" i smiled of course my hide out is your hide out." i walked to my room and changed into my black and white Calypso Bikini i walked down stairs and walked out side to the pool i jumped in and started to swim. i loved to swim i cant stand not swimming after all i did have the power of water.


i walked up stairs into her room she had a neat room after all she did just leave down stairs. she has a nice room there was a white couch with a wooden coffee table stationed in front another table was behind the couch with a tree trunk as a base with wooden walls. there was an opening to the side with a bed straight ahead and a kitchen table to the right of the bed my left. i walked to the window with a tan curtain i saw her jumping into the pool and swimming she looked magnificent.she was skilled she reached the other side of the pool and was back in no time she started to swim backwards. she had grace and she stopped in the middle. she looked around and then looked up at me . her smile was well beautiful. this is weird how could i think shes beautiful? i watched as she stood up from the pool she grabbed a white towel and wrapped it around her body. her long legs, she was quite developed for her age. i walked down stairs and noticed stairs in the living room that i didn't notice before as i walked up i saw another bed near the end with a bookshelf that was a divider for the room behind the book shelf you could see the entire living room and there was a small desk connected to the bookshelf with the perfect view of the television. she walked in with a smile on her face her white hair was wet she was quite thin but she wasn't the starving skinny she was the firm flat belly she had taken off her towel and was on her way to change. she came back with a long white t-shirt it barely covered her firm butt. damn shes only 12 i shouldn't be thinking like this. i walked down stairs and sat at the table  "would you like anything to eat." she was cooking with a back apron. she stood back to look at me "no thank you but thank you for the offer" she nodded and continue to cook. she looked out side and her nose scrunched up which might i add was very adorable. "i should get you back home" she walked up stairs. i stood and walked to the food she was cooking i don't even know what she was cooking but it smelled great i took a bite and it was pure heaven i heard her coming back down stairs. i pulled my mask up and looked at her she was still beautiful her hair was still slightly wet. she locked up the house. we were on our way to my house"amaya who was in your room?" she looked at me with a sad look in her eyes.

Amaya's POV:

"he was my ex boyfriend we met when i joined the agency. they determine what happens to any ninja who is taken out, why, how, and we were the exterminators. we did as told but they wanted to test how loyal i was to my boyfriend so they gave him a mission to find a girl and take care of her but as the mission took longer she began acting like his girlfriend getting clingy,wearing his clothes,calling him pet names even in front of me and when i talked to him he said she was only a mission and she knew it so she used it against me she told me to stay away and when i was going to kick her ass he grabbed me and threw me away so i was pissed. i went to the agency and told them i needed a temporary partner switch. they refuse we got back together and she was still there i found them fucking on my bed he tried to tell me she was nothing but i didn't care not after I've caught them kissing before with the add of her walking around in nothing but her bra and panties. he told me i was stupid and she was only a mission. and i told him if she was just a mission you wouldn't have kissed her back, hugged her when she was crying because i was at the house, he wouldn't have let her call me his girlfriend a whore and slut, by they we were in the middle of the village. every one was watching he slapped me saying i was the stupidest person in the world. that was the day i chose to leave i went to the head of the agency and argued saying that i was going to go on a killing spree if i didn't get a mission for three months all i did was kill anyone i was ordered to. i got back and she was talking about how she was going to get married to him. when i walked in i wasn't in my normal clothes i was put on a mission which required me to look i guess pretty. he got mad when he found out i was assigned a partner he went on a killing spree he killed half of my family that well i never talked too but when he threatened to kill my sister. i got pissed me and him started to fight and i almost won but that is of course when she walked in. he got pissed and he tied her to a chair and tied me to the bed. he raped me and made her watch." my throat clogged up" after he was done he tortured her and made me watch i felt well i felt bad i was the reason everything happened. after i got away i started to cut all ties to the agency of course they know were i am." i looked at kakashi as he stopped in the middle of the road" how did no one notice you were gone."  he would ask that "i had a clone here acting like me i could see everything that was happening so i know everything that happened while i was away it was also my way of checking on my family"  i walked up to his door "and now your home" he nodded and walked up the stairs as i walked down"oh kakashi don't tell anyone of my hide out you can go since i brought you in but that doesn't mean other can enter."

after i left kakashi's house i walked home and saw the rose in my room i snapped my fingers and watched as it burned up and turned to ashes. i walked out into the back and walked further into the forest i started to throw kunais when i heard someones breathing i disappeared and appeared in front of the person

great it just happened to be...................................

i hate life......kakashiWhere stories live. Discover now