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i rolled over in bed as i felt the heat rays of the sun hitting my face. i signed as i heard naruto screaming down stairs.damn i forgot my sister is having her team here i don't know why i didn't really care. i threw the sheets off and moved to the side and slowly placed my right foot on the floor before moving my body so i could roll off. but first i have to enjoy the feeling of the warm comfy bed. i liked how i felt just laying on the bed with my stomach on the mattress and my arms under the cold pillow. i finally got the nerve to get off. i sat up next to my bed my head still on the mattress till i heard someone braking some glass down stairs. i pushed my head up and blinked a few thousand times before my eye sight fixed it self. i slowly pushed my self off the bed my hands on the bed with my head down. i walked to my closet and grabbed my clothes. i dragged myself to the bathroom and slowly turned on the water. i stepped into the water as it hit my back i could feel all of my muscles relax. i got dressed after all the hot water ran out. i walked downstairs and hid my self i watched as my sister smiled towards the uchiha and hit the uzumaki kid.

i noticed kakashi would look up but then go back to his novel. i walked to the door and placed my hand around it but stopped before i could open it i looked back at my family and watched as my father laughed and my mother giggled my sister smiled as they had a family moment. i turned and stopped as i looked at kakashi. he had put his book away and began walking towards me. i opened the door and stepped out."you have the look." i turned and looked at kakashi. i signed and turned around i ran my fingers threw my dry hair i guess its a good thing i blow dried it or it would be frizzy with knots.

"what look what that be kakashi?"  he walked to my side.

"the look that your planning to do something you shouldn't " i took slow steady steps to the edge of the grass." well i guess you could say that." i turned to look at kakashi "they called me again they want me to do an investigation on a dead teenager. they said it was very important and should be looked at by the best but i said I'm retired.and they responded that i was the last resort they tried everyone and finally no one could do it but me." kakashi looked at me "but your retired"  i turned and stepped off the property"yeah but i still have to go to the meeting" "WAIT" i turned to kakashi "cant you take your family" i shook my head and walked away i stopped before the turn" why would i take my family to a place with a LOT of trained killers" "YOUR SISTERS A NINJA"

i laughed and i placed my hand on the wall to keep my self from falling once i stopped i looked at him and saw everyone out side behind him" yeah my sisters a really ninja she treatens me with ima tell mom and dad, she became a ninja because of sasuke, shes always arguing with that ino girl, she still screams at the sight of blood, and she still tells me she knows everything about me yet all she knows is what I want her to know."

i stood up and turned to my father " and you just don't care about any one but your precious first daughter mom and dad psh i can't believe i called you my parents but at least you didn't notice when i was gone for a month." i turned and walked away

i was by the food market buying mangos. i walked down a dirt road and once i came to a group of bandits in the middle of the road one guy barking orders and the others just following like normal. as i stepped out i signed damn me and my killing urges. i stepped out which caught every ones attention. they looked at me one stepped out with a smile as i bit into my mango" well look at this pretty little thing ain't she pretty." he told his friends. i turned to look at him up and down i stepped closer and moved my wrist to the right with my palm facing down. his throat was slit by the air around it. Everyone else got their kunais ready and began to throw them at me.

the air began to move around me and threw them back into their throats. once they all fell i checked every ones heart beat. i left everyone dead but one. i looked at the guy in the eyes and took the kunai out . i placed my hand over his throat and healed it so he wouldn't die.

i also erased his memory of me.  i also made sure if anyone with the ability to enter the mind would be blocked out no matter what.

i walked away and walked down the dirt road i stopped and looked at all of the children playing. a kid kicked the ball towards me i started to play with it by picking it up with my feet and dribbling it around i passed it to the kid and he smiled "COOL" as he ran to his friends. i walked down the street. "AMAYA" i turned to see the bastered of the world Satou Nakamura my old boss.

i stopped and waited for him to catch up him being him self he walked slow and bought a few things on the way. "well rosey isn't it nice seeing you here" we walked over to what looked to be a corporate office but i knew it wasn't i remember the old days. as we walked threw the door i saw many ninjas here dressed in "normal" clothes walking around with files but i knew they weren't paper work they were files on other people. who to kill, the clients and etc. as we walked down the hall everyone stopped and looked at me. they all had a look of ah. A women came up to me "Hi I'm Satomi and it is an honor to meet you. I've heard a lot about you i wa.." "STOP Satomi i wouldn't do that she is really close to killing you for being in her personal space and by the way you never talk to her unless you have been spoken to or some one else has introduced you to her so B..A..C...K Off." she stepped back with wide eyes the fear in her eyes. i let out a slow breath and made my voice as soft as i could "don't worry Satomi but i suggest you get back to work" i smiled and continued to walk down the hall with the boss next to me. as we walked into the office and stood in front of his desk while he went to the connected room. MASTER your family has been called to the hokages office. i smiled as i walked to the window and smiled as i looked out side.

i hate life......kakashiWhere stories live. Discover now