Chapter 78

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"I kind of hate him." I state.

"Who, Zayn?"

"No, Batman." Harry snaps his head over to look at me with a puzzled amused expression and then back at the screen.

We're at a drive in movie.

Harry doesn't have a car on tour so Paul had to drop us off. After some comments provided by Niall and Louis who we didn't know we're in the back row of seats we made it and even though we're not in a car we're laying in the grass and watching the older Batman movies.

So, we're at a drive in movie without a car.

"And why do you hate Batman? I thought Batman was your favorite?"

"No, Batman's not my favorite. You know who my favorite is!" I tell him.

"It's not? Then who?" I give him a look before he snaps and points at me. "Captain America." I smile and nod. "You know, I'm slightly jealous of you ogling over other men."

"I ogled over Ed." I remind him.

"Yeah, but I needed him for my apology."

"True." At that moment my phone starts ringing. I don't recognize the number so I excuse myself and answer it.

"This is Blake Sheldon."

"Just so you know you will never be good enough for Harry. He's mine." Someone sneers.

"Excuse me?" I say more shocked than anything.

"I'm saying keep your hands off my man." I don't want to be too rude because it could be some preteen pranking me but at the same time they have the nerve to say these things to me. "You're ugly and not worth anything to him. You haven't done it yet. That's why he's still with you. That's all he wants." I hang up before I can hear more.

How did she get my number?

"Everything alright?" Harry asks.

I nod probably too quickly but he doesn't seem to notice.


She nods fast, unnaturally.

She lets it slide but I do notice.

"I need to probably change my number though." She says and I nod agreeing. My phone starts buzzing in my pocket.

It's Paul. I step away telling her that he's probably wondering when to pick us up. "Yeah Paul?"

"What just happened?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Twitter just exploded saying that Blake went off on some fan." I stand confused.

"She didn't. Someone called her but she was four feet from me, nothing happened." I assure him.

"Okay well, she's getting a lot of hate..."

"I'll take care of it." I hang up and go stand next to her.

"Give me your phone." I say holding out my hand. She almost hands it to me before second glancing at my face.


"Just give me your phone Blake."

We're in the parking lot now as to not disrupt the two old couples watching.

"No. I want a reason."

"I don't have to give you a reason. Give me. Your. Phone. Now." I demand and grab it from her. Her face is shocked.

She punches me in the arm, hard. It didn't hurt much but she didn't do it to hurt me. More out of frustration than anything I think because she apologizes right after. "It's fine."

I open Twitter and see it's worse than I thought. I delete Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram from her phone and hand it back.

I don't care what she says, I'm going to protect her whether she likes it or not.


This is kind of a filler to set up and resolve some stuff before more stuff happens.


Get ready.

There's gonna be some madness.

It's gonna be awesome.


I just want to say I love you guys and that you're the best and I love and appreciate all of the support I receive.

I do send out messages when things screw up so if you fan me you'll be able to see those and not have to freak out.

I won't spam you, promise. I hate that myself.

And if you comment I'll know what you guys like and don't like (not demanding what I should or shouldn't do) just saying hey, this was a good chapter.

When I get comments that say I LOVVEEE THIIIS!!!

That makes me feel good and want to spend time and put work into this for you guys but when I don't get nice comments or none at all I wonder what's the point?

And vote. Vote. Vote.

It's an easy way to lazily support this story and I know the button is right there and it doesn't even take one second so you have no excuse not to vote.

Okay, I love you all my baby penguins and I shall retreat to my bat cave and see you tomorrow.

And no one commented with their favorite super villain so I'm asking again.

Cory (oh auto correct)

Comment with your favorite villain and what you like and dislike most about my story.

I don't want to be the author that says how many I need before I update but come on. 8,000 readers. I can get five people to comment and ten to vote right?

Thanks guys. See you mañana.

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