Tony, Natasha and Thor were just staring out the window.

Steve was fiddling with his hands on his lap, not knowing what to do or say and feeling slightly awkward as usual.

Bruce had fallen asleep almost instantly and Clint was driving.

As soon as they had all gotten to the tower, Tony went straight to his bedroom.

"He's probably exhausted, didn't get a lot of sleep last night." Steve mentioned, the others nodded along in replied.

The afternoon started off as relaxing one.

Natasha had decided to attempt to make cookies, following a recipe on her Stark Industry table.

Thor ended up joining her, curious and interested in Midgardian food.

Clint was lounging out on the couch with the TV on.

Steve was studying for Ancient History, frowning in confusion.

Tony stayed in his room the whole time, everyone thought he was asleep but really he was tinkering with some pieces of metal he found under his future self's bed.

And Bruce had wondered off into the lab.

In the lab Bruce was running around with his Hawkeye figurine, making it jump from bench to bench and making the sound effects. He wasn't looking where he was going when he ran into another body. Looking up, confused, Bruce saw someone he didn't recognise.

The man had shoulder length black hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a long black trench cloak and black pants.

"Hello young Bruce." He grinned down at the boy.

Bruce didn't say anything and just stared up at the stranger.

"I'm a friend of the avengers! I just thought I would come check on your wellbeing." The tall man said as he kneeled down to small Bruce's height. All Bruce did in reply was nod slightly.

"That small man in your hand, he looks Nobel." He grinned gesturing towards the toy.

Again Bruce nodded.

"I have a gift, for both you and the small man. Would you like to see? It's very magical."

Clint was slowly getting more and more tired as the movie on the TV went on. He was so close to falling asleep when a wild Bruce flung in front of him.

"Woah! Watch out bud! You're going to give yourself whiplash!"

Bruce was grinning brightly, an excited glint in his eyes.

Clint reached out for the Stark Industries tablet that was placed on the table next to the couch, opened the drawing app and handed it to Bruce.

Receiving the Tablet, Bruce rushed to write out what he needed to say.

"The small man is alive!"

Clint frowned, he was slightly confused. "The Hawkeye doll is alive?"

Bruce nodded.

Clint raised his eyebrows and smiled, "That's very cool Bruce!"

Bruce grinned and pulled at Clint's arm, trying to get the man to get up and follow.

Sighing Clint finally did what the boy wanted and followed him to the lab where apparently the Hawkeye action figure was alive.

Entering the lab, Clint waited patiently while Bruce looked around for the toy. The small boy looked like he was ready to give up looking, when all of a sudden Clint yelled out.

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