Chapter Two: Sunshine

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If Lynette had never mentioned this before, now would would be a good time to say how much she hated the color of light yellow.

Lynette stood at her doorway, holding onto her suitcase while her eyes scanned the empty room that she would inhabit from now on. The walls looked like they were covered with blocks of butter and Lynette wished her father had chosen a different color when he decide to repaint the rooms two years ago. She would have been fine with any other color, but light yellow just brought up a lot of horrible memories. Her mom's room was that color. She knew that because her mother had her pick out the color after her dad left. It was before she knew her mother was crazy, so she chose her second favorite color. Light yellow. That was a big mistake. Now every time she saw that color, she was reminded of that day. And then her mother.

Heaving a sigh, Lynette made her way towards her new bed before she placed her things there, not allowing her eyes to wander around her room. Her father already moved a lot of her old clothes into her closet, but just looking at them made her feel empty. The clothes and jackets that hung in her closet were filled with happy memories, sparkling with ambition and hope. It was looking into the past she wanted to forget. Like a past that was too bright for her dark present to handle.

Lynette slowly unzipped her bag and pulled out all her old belongings, most of it just T-shirts and tattered jeans. She didn't have much because most of it was used by her mother for sick purposes. Either that, or it was taken by the police as evidence. But it's not like she wanted her old things anyway. They would only remind her of her mother. Or Gavin. They were mostly happy memories, but even those were painful to recall.

Not letting her eyes stray from the floor, Lynette strode over to her drawers and opened them. They were practically empty because of the move, but they still had a few clothes in them. It seems that Lynette's father thought she would visit him after the divorce. Boy, was he wrong. Or maybe he wanted something keep, like an heirloom of the daughter he couldn't take with him. Shaking her head, Lynette placed her clothes inside and shut it closed before she made her way back to her bag. She rummaged through the contents, hoping to find something other than clothes or to find an old poster to cover the god damn wall with.

Did she even pack any posters? She went shopping with her brother for new furniture and essentials, but at the time, she didn't want anything. The spirits at the store were almost too hard to ignore, and she didn't want to trouble her brother with anything. Big mistake.

Frowning, Lynette brushed a strand of hair out if her face before she finally allowed herself to look around the room. Old makeup, old photos. An old Nintendo 64 PlayStation and a few cartridges of games she used to pour her heart in. Jewelry covered with dust and books stacked as if her father couldn't find a place for them. Even though she didn't bring much, it still felt like she needed to unpack a lot of crap. Crap that she didn't need anymore. While glancing through the room, Lynette's eyes finally stopped on something that caught her eye.

It was a water coloring set.

On her desk.

And her walls were water based...

Emotion sparked in her eyes before she made her way over to it and brushed her hand along the plastic cover longingly. Lynette wasn't any good at playing instruments and she wasn't good at writing, but she loved to paint. Or at least, she used to. Only during Painting classes was she able to pick up something and be really good at it. She used to draw landscapes, animals, clouds, and even a few eyes. Water color was especially her favorite. She loved the way it splattered and the way it looked so misty against the canvas. She loved how easy it was and how fast her paintbrush used to glide over the surface.

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