Chapter 11

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-Ell, Luke, are you ready? Kai has arrived! I shouted when I saw Kai's handsome face after opening the door.

-We're coming! they said running down the stairs.

Seeing only Kai at the door, a little smile took place on my face, thinking that maybe, Nolan couldn't make it today. But not wanting to have some false hopes, I asked Kai after greeting him with a kiss:

-Where's Nolan? He couldn't make it?

-Actually, he's waiting for us in the car, he said that he was too lazy to get up from his seat and...he's having breakfast in the car. he said laughing with his shiny, almost blinding white teeth.

-Oh. Alright. I faked out a small smile.

I was really disappointed when this little light of hope brutally fade away. My smile was suggesting that I was so excited for today, which obviously, I wasn't at all. I had spent the past two nights in my bed, thinking over and over again at what could possibly happen.You know how most people make up scenarios of the perfect life in their head before they can fall asleep? Well it was the same thing for me. Except that I wasn't thinking of such good things. I thought maybe I should cancel that plan but I don't know why, something stopped me from doing it.

When Elena and Luke greeted Kai, we all headed to the car, where Nolan was waiting for us. I could already see the expression of a pervert who just escaped asylum on his face. When we arrived in front of the car, Nolan got out of it and opened the door for me to get in, like satan opening the gates of hell for me. I just got in the car without saying anything, just regretting putting on that pair of black high waisted shorts because they were really thigh on my tummy and I had an instant stomachache. I took place next to Luke, right behind the passenger seat, where Nolan was.

At the beginning, it was kind of boring, there was some good music playing but no one was talking. As time went by, Kai engaged the conversation with Elena and Luke and they got along pretty well, they were laughing and talking. But Nolan and I were silent, we didn't say a word. My face was pressed on the window when I felt my phone vibrating. I got it out and found a message from an unknown number.

"From: Unknown

To: Me

Hey Liz, it's Nolan...I wanna say that I'm sorry."

What? How on earth did he get my number? I leaned a little bit forwards to see him holding his phone in his hands. Should I respond? Nah. I put my head back against the window, when my phone vibrated again.

"From: Unknown

To: Me

Please Liz, we really need to talk, this is serious."

I decided to respond so he'll stop annoying me with these texts.

"From: Me

To: Unknown

Where did you get my number from? And why don't you just talk to me ? I'm literally just behind you."

"From: Unknown

To: Me

Do you really want me to have a serious talk with you in this atmosphere? And your boyfriend gave me your number."

"From: Me

To: Unknown

Alright, what do you want?"

"From: Unknown

To: Me

I want you to forgive me for everything."

I laughed loud enough so he could hear me, to let him know that this was stupid. He was stupid...he thought I was going to forgive funny.I put my phone on silent and put my head right where it was before. I couldn't see the expression on his face but after that laugh, he put his phone back in his pocket. I think he understood.

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