Chapter 5

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-I'm sorry dad, I didn't see the time pass.

-What were you doing?


He interrupted me.

-And who's that over there? he said pointing fingers at Kai who was still in his car in the driveway.

-He's the new neighbour..Kai..

-What were you doing with him?

This interrogatory was starting to get to my head.

-He's new and he just wanted to know some new people, we just went to get a cup of coffee and talk a little bit.

-This is the last time that you come home after the curfew. And as long as I don't know this guy or his parents, you stop hanging out with him, because if he brings you back home this late, God knows what he can do and what he has in his mind.

-Yea, of course, just like the rest of the people I try to become friends with? I sadi gasping.

I threw my bag on the ground and ran to the stairs, ignoring my dad who was still yalling at me. When I opened my bedroom's door, I saw Elena and Luke laid on my bed, sleeping. They didn't even bother changing clothes, they still had their shoes on. They might've fallen asleep while waiting for me. That situation was making me feel guilty...but I was way too tired to think about it, so I just walked to my bed, pushed my friends as hard as I could just so I can get a little place for me, and fit into my bed. I made Luke fall from the bed, but who cares? After that, nothing. I just fell asleep really quickly.

                                                                                *        *        *

-Wakey wakey little rebel, it's time for breakfast! said Elena while opening the curtains.

-Shut up.

She came to me and started gently rocking me, whispering:

-Liz...Liz wake up, there's breakfast downstairs, and Luke and I are tired of waiting for you.

-Why do you got to be so loud in the morning? Let me sleep in peace!

-Are you joking? I've never talked that quietly!


-Oh so you won't wake up? Okay.

I was more than happy when she eventually got out of my room. But I was too dumb thinkinh that she would let me sleep in peace...

"Check up in the scene in mid-2006,

I was automatically labeled as a God damn prick.."

-ARE YOU F****** KIDDING ME? SHUT THIS DOWN! I was covering my ears with pillows. As a response, she turned up the volume. It was already so loud that I didn't think it could get any louder.

-I'm not going to shut it down until you get up and you come down have breakfast with us.

As if the music wasn't enough, she started throwing all kind of items on me: shoes, a wooden photo frame, a dictionnary..I was feeling like I was going to kill her. I got up like a fury, took a pillow and threw it at her. Her trying to wake me up quickly turned into a chase. I was running after Elena with a pillow, trying to hit her with it as much as I could, when she couldn't stop shouting and crying from laughter, while "Asshole" by Ronnie Radke was still playing on her phone. We were exhausted.

-Can we have a break? asked Elena out of breath.


We sat down on the floor, in front of the bathroom, for a few seconds to catch our breath.

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