Chapter 2

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*ding dong*

The repetitive noise of the house's doorbell woke me up. I turn around...3:21am. But who can it be at this time? I go down the stairs as fast as possible to open the door, , so my dad and Zoë won't wake up because of all of this hullabaloo. Rushing to the door, I hurt my knee by falling over a coffee table..ouch. But when I opened the door, I instantly forgot the pain.

-Erm...hello, I'm sorry to disturb you but this drunk woman knocked at my door. She told me that she lived here so naturally I thought that I should maybe bring her here...I suppose she is your mother? I didn't know what to respond. I couldn't believe it. The mysterious surfer I saw this afternoon was standing in front of me..with my crazy drunk mum on his shoulders, yes..but he was there! Oh..erm..yas that's my mum. I hum and haw.

-Well here she is.

He made my mum sit on the ground of our house. It was hard for her to keep balance but I was too busy staring at the guy to even think about helping him. I mean hey, the most handsome guy ever was in front of me and I could see his biceps contracting, and you think I was gonna focus on helping my mum sit on the floor? Well you thought wrong.

-By the way, my name's Kai. I'm your new neighbour, we just moved here with my family like a week ago or so.

-Oh that's why...I knew you were new here..if there were such handsome guys around, it wouldn't be unknown for such long time... oh shit. Did I just said that out loud? Oh gosh now he's looking at me like a total creep.. Um..I meant I'm Elizabeth, but they call me Liz.

We shook hands.

-Well it was nice to meet you Liz, goodnight and sorry if I woke you up.

-No problems, actually thanks for coming.

I shut the door. Was it just a dream? But it wasn't a dream..and as if she could read my mind, my mum, lying on the ground pulled on my pajamas pants as to say "hey I'm the proof that this wasn't a dream". I helped her to get up, and set her up on the living room's sofa.

-Liz, could you make me a cup of herbal tea please?

-Of course mum, I mean it's not like it's 3:30am or anything...

-C'mon Liz, please, for me.

-Fiine..I said rolling my eyes.

I walked like a zombie to the kitchen, put some water to boil, took a tea mug, a tea bag and sugar, then poored some cold water in a cup for myself. I then returned to the living room and handed the hot cup to my mother then sat down in the chair in front of her. It was quite, until my mum decided to break that delicious silence.

-He's cute, isn't he?

-Who are you talking about?

-Don't pretend like you don't know, I'm talking 'bout that Jai guy..I saw how you were looking at him.

-What?! Hold up, first of all, his name is Kai, not Jai, and second, you are absolutely wrong, that is just the effect of alcohol on you..I mean look, you take boiling tea during a summer night!

-You can think that I am stupid, but that look you gave him is the look someone gives a guy when that person is attracted to the other one. You can't fool me in that, girl.

She was right. She knows me too well. I couldn't deny it, that'd be lying, so I didn't say anything. The silence invaded the room again. All we could hear was my mum slurping her tea. After a few minutes, I interrupted that silence.


-Yes, Liz?

-Is it true that you and dad are going to divorce?

She almost choked on her drink.

-What? Why are you saying that?

-I just feel like you and dad are not getting along as well anymore.

I was talking like a 5 years old. But the truth is that a morning, when I was going downstairs to have breakfast, I heard my parents talking about this, and I couldn't stop thinking about it since then.

-Well I'm not going to lie to you, we are seriously thinking about it...your dad doesn't accept my nights out.

-No one here accepts your nights out mum!

-..alright you should go to sleep now, I am going too, we both need some sleep and this is not the appropriate time to talk about all that serious stuff.

-I'm going. Goodnight, and try not to drink during your sleep. I said sarcasticaly.

I jumped on my bed, and then I was gone in a long and deep sleep.



Hey agaiin! So I think you noticed that I changed the name of the surfer, simply because I thought that Kai was better :P

So Liz finally talked to Kai! #Kiz

Before I say bye, if you guys have some ideas for which celebrity I should put as some characters, comment it down below! I already have and idea for Kai.. ;) So don't forget to comment and vote of course to let me know your thoughts about how this story is going.

Have a good day/night <3

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