Chapter 4

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-Can you believe it ?

-But Kai, this is amazing !

-I know, it took me quite a while
to build and embellish it, but I have no I have a place where I feel perfectly good.

-That's really beautiful.

I was amazed. The cabin seemed big from the outside, but from the inside, it's just crazily huge. We couldn't see the ground. It was entirely covered with a sort of 6 meters maroon room-sized pouffe. White pillows with funny slogans written in black were all around the pouffe. There were windows on every wall, brightening the place. These wooden walls were full of clumsily organized pictures, Kai and his family probably. The room was so simple but at the same time so original and warm.


After enviously staring at the pouffe...or rather the ground , I timidly asked :

-Can I ?

-Of course.

And that is when I did something typical of me..I jumped to find myself completely slumped on the pouffe. This feeling of comfort on that thing...I could fall asleep on site..I mean no. Kai is in front of me..what if I fall asleep and he rapes me ? Oh goodness I had to chase this stupid idea away from my mind pff...

-You seem to feel good here...he said before imitating me and lying next to me.

...Okay but now, what if he really rapes me and in reality he's just a rapist who uses this cabin to attract his victims ? I slap myself inwardly because I'm with a handsome guy and that's the only thought I have in my head, bravo Liz ! I tried to start the conversation to forget about these stupidities.

-So ? What is the story of your life ?

-Nothing special never happened in my life, it has always been as boring as a math lesson.

-Okay then, tell me a little bit about you.

-Well I am 18, I was born here, in Santa Monica, from a policeman father and a night nurse mother. She only works at night to dedicate to us during the day.

-Us ?

-Yes, I have a little sister named Kat, she's 6 now. She's sometimes annoying but I still love her though. Our family has always been consolidated and it is the most important thing is my eyes.

-It looks so nice to have grown up in a happy family..

-Why are you saying that ? Tell me the story of your life.

-I don't know if I should tell you, I barely know you...why should I?

-Because I did, and even though you barely know me, like you said, you accepted coming here with me, in a lost corner to lock yourself in a cabin with me.

-...I admit that I don't know what to say anymore.

-Come on, tell me ! What's the thing that made your life « non happy » ?


I told him everything. My sister's murder, my life after that, which was horrible...It was good to talk about it for once, normally, I never talk about that, but this time, it really relieved me, emptied my heart. After I've finished my story, he stayed quiet for a few seconds, before getting the biggest bullshit out of his mouth :

-That's awful...and...are you still dating Connor ?

I was dumbfounded.

-Are you actually being serious ? I'm talking about my sister's murder, and the only thing you bring up is my ex-boyfriend ?

He got on his elbows.

-Your ex-boyfriend ? So you're no longer together ?

-No, we broke up 2 months after the mishap because apparently, I was too negative minded for him.

-What a jerk...I would never do something like that do a girl in such circumstances.

-Oh I see, mister Kai is a big gentleman who knows how to behave with girls ?

-I'm not behaving well enough for you ? That's what you insinuate ?

-No, what I'm saying is that...

I had not finished my sentence yet that he had put his lips on mine. No. That's not possible. This situation looked unreal. If you told me a week ago that I was going to be in a cabin perched in a tree, with a fine surfer who was kissing me, I would've laughed at your face before lying on the ground, crying from laughter. And yet, that is what's happening right now. When he got his lips away from mine, I kept my eyes shut, just to enjoy, for these last seconds, the minty taste of his lips that was still on mine.

And that is when...BOOM. This poohead just threw a pillow at my face. He wants a revenge ? I'm gonna give it to him. And that's how we spent all the afternoon fighting with pillows, jumping on the pouffe, and eating candies that he brought from his car.

Kai was so funny that I had stomach cramps from laughter, and I couldn't control my tears. I was feeling good. Genuinely good. I haven't felt like that for such a long time.

After getting literally exhausted, we both sat in front of a window, trying to catch our breath.

-The stars are really beautiful tonight..

-Yea...wait what ? It's already night ?

-Um yea.

Shit. I look at my watch : 9 :36pm, and I was 45 minutes away from home. My parents are going to kill me ! They're certainly so worried right now ! I'm going to call them. I get my phone out of my pocket..14 missed calls from dad that I didn't hear because my phone was on silent. I dial my dad's phone number, it starts ringing when ..nothing. My phone died. So great.

-Um Kai, I think we should go now, my parents are worried about me and I promised that I'd be home before 9pm.

-But it's already 9:36pm, and if you're going to be grounded for doing something, you might as well do something funny, so stay here with me a little bit more.

-Please Kai, I really need to go.

-Alright, as you like..he said in a sigh.

When we got out of the cabin, I tried my best to climb down the tree, and succeeded, for once, without any injury. I get in the car and turn the radio on, in a try to calm down my stress. We were off for 45 minutes on the road. 45 minutes have never seemed as long as they do now. When we arrived, it was around 10:30pm. I was so in a hurry that all I said before getting out of the car was « Bye and thanks for this wonderful afternoon. », then I precipitated to the door. I got the key out of my purse and tried to turn it in the lock as silently as possible, when suddenly, the door opened, and my dad appeared, with a face as angry as a furious greek god.

-Where the hell were you ? Elena, Luke and I were so worried !

Uh Oh...



I'm sorry for updating late but I had so much work to do for school! But I'm back now! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment, it may seem like nothing to you but it means so much to me!

You can follow me on instagram : @ghitaach

Thanks xx

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