Naturally (AU)

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- Originally a J-fandom fic. Didn't change a thing except the names. (This was for the twitter party. I posted the whole fic by line for the SBS voting, lols) This is based on their lifestyle. In Japan, there are schools for idols so that's the setting here (this particular Japanese ship of mine are really high school classmates). Just think of it as Viva Academy. Lols. And idols do go to university there so that's how it is here in this fic. It's an AU, anyway, but just so you know. :)

Love nothing but that which comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny. For what could more aptly fit your needs?
--Marcus Aurelius
Nadine's POV

If I would describe James and me, I would use the word, 'natural.' We were both carefree, we accept things as they come and just go with the flow. It was the same as far as our interactions go. There was never an awkward moment between us.

I first met James during the opening ceremony in our first year of high school. He was laughing with his friends as I was making a few of my own. There was a time when our gazes met. He had given me a rather formal smile, and I had smiled in return. Somehow though, his smile felt familiar to me. Like it was something I see every day. It was different from the smile I see him give on TV shows. But in some way, it's like I've known it -known him all along.

"It's like you've known each other for so long. You two move as if you understand what the other is thinking." Yassi had told me this after meeting me at the gates of the school by the end of our first week as high school students.

She had waited for me to finish my prefect duties-duties I do with James, who had walked me to the gates. This, and our interaction that week, had probably brought about her comment.

The funny thing is it was true. I don't really know how, but I can read James' simple gestures, and he can perhaps also read mine. We made a great team. We do things in synchronization without having to discuss or assign each other tasks.

As the years pass, we became great friends. We never were let off of prefect duties, too; it was always a unanimous vote among the class. At first, it was a form of teasing from our classmates who were claiming that we were like an old married couple.

"Not because you argue like a married couple." Anja had clarified. "That's Andre and Yassi." She muttered.

"We meant like a really old married couple who know each other so well from 60 years of experience." Donna said.

"Maybe that's the case." Rose had added. "Maybe you were married in your previous lives."

These teasing stopped eventually, though.

"It's boring since neither of you are actually bothered." Bret had said with a pout when James had commented on the lack of jesting.

The two of us looked at each other then and just laughed.

Those three years in high school was really very special for me. And without really noticing the time, it soon came to an end. I wasn't one of those who cried during our graduation. It was a little weird because I've been teary-eyed when the rehearsals started, but when it was the real thing, I didn't cry; not even once. It felt surreal... unreal. It felt weirdly normal; like the next day, it would still be the same and we will all see each other in class.

We (the class) took lots of pictures together after the ceremony (and after the media had taken their photos and interviews). We've stayed so long at the hall but none of our parents complained or rushed us. It was, after all, our last day as a class.
When it started getting dark, and it really was time for us to go, everyone circled around and we all joined a very big group hug. Others started crying again, but again, I didn't.

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