Forgive My Fins (AU)

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AN: James and Nadine in Fins Series (by Terra Lynn Childs) Universe. i have two stories for this universe but they're completely unrelated. will be posting both today. 😊


"So that's why you talk with ocean puns." Lauren said offhandedly, as she swam closer to me. I still can't believe I've told her everything. Being what I am, I am naturally a coward and to tell her the truth really took a lot out of me. I expected shock at least, disbelief would also be normal, I even dreaded disgust. But here she was, barely surprised, looking like she'd just solve a puzzle. Lauren really is the best friend anyone can ever wish for.

"I tried to keep the slang low." I replied to her comment. I dangled myself in the life buoy we brought. Not that I need it, I can swim. Heck, I can't even drown. We only brought it as a cover for my lower body, if you get my drift.

"Wait, but you love sushi." She said, looking at me. "Aren't you supposed to be friends with them or something?"

I laughed. "Only in animated movies." I said. "Though I must say I really like Little Mermaid."

"You love everything Disney." Lauren commented, laughing along.

"But do you talk... I mean, can you talk to fishes?" She asked curiously.

"No." I said. "It's like with terraped--that what we call humans," I said instantly at her confused look. "It's the same with humans and land animals. So we can keep fish as pets as well as eat them. Being vegetarian isn't really a fad down in our kingdom." I explained.

She nodded. "And you don't immediately turn mer even if you're in the sea." She said.

"No, that's also just a human myth. We can control when we want to transfigure." I told her.

"Oh... are there other forms of merpeople? Like Ursula, for example. You know, half human, half octopus." She asked.

I laughed hard at that. And it seems she understood that as a 'No.'

"And I used to believe Little Mermaid was based from a true story. Stupid James." She said, annoyed though she sounded fond as well. 'Stupid James' is Lauren's brother who takes every opportunity he has to annoy Lauren. But when he's not actually trying to 'ruin Lauren's life' --as she calls it-- he's actually quite nice. He have a nice smile, and nice eyes, and he's always fun to be around, and quite charming. We're not very close, but as I am not really what you'd call, 'popular,' aside from Lauren, he's the one I talk to the most. And --quite natural, if you think about it really-- he's the one I want to bond with.

With this in mind I said, "Well, the trident is real enough. And kissing a mermaid is really quite a powerful thing." I told her.

"What do you mean?" She asked, interested.

Before I could answer though, there was a splash of water and next thing I knew, Lauren had disappeared. The next moment, she came back to the surface gasping for air and glaring at a laughing--speak of the devilfish--James.

Lauren started to rant shoving James on his shoulder. This was ignored by James who kept on laughing. I couldn't help but laugh a little as well. The expression on Lauren's face was just priceless. Admittedly, I panicked earlier, thinking something--like a shark that have a taste for mermaid which can easily mistake Lauren for one because of my scent-- had grabbed hold of her feet and pulled her down. But since I knew it was only James and Lauren is okay now, my relief had turned to laughther.

"Sorry, sorry." James said, not looking sorry at all and to top that, he winked at me, letting me know that he really isn't sorry. I must have blushed, but thank goodness I could hide half my face in the water.

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