Everlasting Love

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Aleana's POV

"OMG ALEANA!" my sister Ariana screamed and ran out of her house and hugged me. 

"Hey Ariana!" I can't believe it. I haven't seen my sister in 2 and a 1/2 years. 

"How've you been? I see you started your career."

"Ari, life has been a bummer with my older sister 3,000 miles away from me."

"I missed you to Ally." We hugged again.

So hey I'm Aleana Grande. Yea yea, I'm Ariana Grande's sister. I'm 14 years old so I'm 2 years younger than her. Im actually her half sister but we love each other so very much because the only other sibling we have is Frankie and he is a boy. I'm half Italian and half Hispanic. I started my acting career 4 years ago. That's also when I met Gabriel Morales. He's so awesome. He's an amazing actor and his songs are like perfection.

I'm living here in L.A. with Ariana now because even though I've had small roles in TV shows and movies, I'm getting my own movie made so yay! It's called "Hermione." I play the main charecter, Sabrina and it's about a teengae girl living a double life. One, which is the real world: a life she means nothing in. Then the dream world:where she is Hermione, Queen of Time. It's a cool script I've read it.

I got settled in into my room. It was pretty big. I put all my clothes and everything away and went downstairs to catch up with Ariana. 

Oh wait!

I forgot to tell you.

So yea my hair is brown like Ariana, but I died my hair black and now there's a blonde streak going down the left.

I'm NOTHING like Ariana.

Maybe a little... I mean I have her figure, I have her ability to reach high notes, I have her looks and all...

but not her personality.

She is a doll, I love her. 

I'm nice when I want to be.

She never got in trouble in middle school.

I'm always getting Friday Detention.

She's not really a sporty girl.

Skateboarding, football, and basketball are my life. 

My dressing sense...

I'm a girly girl when i want


 a tom boy when i want.


I was zoned out when I heard Ariana. "Ally? Aleana!"

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry Ari."

"Whatever. Did you hear my question?"

"No...but Ariana I know it'll be stupid."

"Just listen! You're almost 15! In L.A., the 8th grade dances are SICK! There's even a summer 7th grade dance you'll get to go to in summer this year! Do you have an eye on any guy in particular? I mean, boys are always playing around the neighborhood."

I thought about.

When will I find my Everlasting Love?

Who is my Everlasting Love?

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