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CORTEX stared at the dead body of Ripto, his tormenter and imprisoner for almost thirty years. He was brought here with an arrow in his chest. Apparently his assignment given to him by the Sorceress didn't go so well. Serves the bastard right. What peaked Cortex's curiosity was the talisman on his neck. Subject C1 had a very similar necklace given to him by the witch doctor of Budakan, and this trinket had to be the reason why he was able to stand up to me and my mutants. In Cortex's study of the past before he ended up here, he had learned a lot of "Aku-Aku." The witch doctor of Budakan was merely a herald of this ancient spirit's power. The Spirit of Order, which like it's opposite, drew power from the Power Gems. It explains Crash's transformation at the Time Twisting Machine. He had tapped into the Convexity. But now the Spirit of Chaos, Uka-Uka, was waiting before him. Was he, Dr. Cortex, worthy being an agent of Chaos? "There isn't anyone more qualified" Cortex thought to himself. 

He took the talisman from Ripto's stiff and unmoving body and draped the artifact around his neck. Cortex no longer felt like an old man, he felt like his life had purpose again. He could sense what the artifact was doing, engraving itself on him, becoming a part of him and offering it's wisdom while slowly creeping into his mind. Cortex now had a plan, to wreak chaos through careful and methodical planning. He would not be under the thumb of a now deceased Sorceress whom Ripto had been through his entire meager life. He would use the new Time Twisting Machine that Ripto had ordered him to build to return to the future where he would own it. All he needed was those Seven Power Gems now in the Realm of the Dragons. Spyro was the current bearer of the Spirit of Order. A dragonfly named Sparks was the opposite of the spirit entangled in Uka-Uka. Fighting them would be challenging, since Cortex himself wasn't magically inclined in the least. He would need the aid of Gnasty Gnork, who even though he didn't know it, his cybernetic implants keeping him alive also gave complete control of his life to Cortex. And he would need the other Purple Dragon, Malefor. He had seen the full power of the Convexity when Spyro defeated the Sorceress, and now was in hiding. I will have to convince him of the errors of his cowardice by showing him that he too could wield the convexity, like how Ripto should have if he wasn't an idiot or a true champion of Chaos.

Andros never lost his patience. Two hundred and seventy five years of life had earned him that virtue. However, what he sought to do now may cost him his immortality. He was going to consult with a god, a God of Destruction.

He was confronted by the hand of Mastery. "Why have you come here, mortal?"

"Where is your brother? The... hand of Chaos?"

"Your answer me with questions, mortal! State your business or be destroyed."

Master Hand must have been intrigued as to how a mere mortal could step foot inside a realm outside space and time which surrounded the orrery of worlds. It was probably why he wasn't killed on the spot. There was no use lying or stalling with this deity. He needed to speak to the master.

"Why I simply seek to carry out the role of [undistinguishable], except on an accelerated time table."

"To speak his name is Taboo, Andros of the Lylat System."

"I'm actually from planet Earth, Master Hand."

"But your murdered or enslaved that planet's entire population a hundred and fifty years ago, including that planet's heralds of Order. And then you set your sights on the Lylat System. You have no home, so I chose your current residence."

"To the point, Master Hand, I seek to continue my righteous destruction and attack Heaven itself: Dreamworld. By the way, does that make this place Nightmareland?"

"Mortals label things, we do not. The names of such things like the Chaos Force, The Triforce, and The Convexity, so on and so forth are irrelevant and unimportant to the Gods who wield them divinely."

"But we mortals are beginning to wield these cosmic forces."

"Yes, and it has made your universes impure and thus they must be destroyed."

"Well, I simply request to be an instrument of your master's destructions."

"An assault on Dreamworld is impossible for a mortal."

"I was able to get to Nighmareland, Master Hand, if that is what his place is called."

"SILENCE mortal! Your insolence and presence will no longer be tolerated."

"Halt Master Hand!"

The voice was divine and terrifying, even to Master Hand. It commanded your absolute attention as you cowered in fear. [undistinguishable] made himself visible. If there was an "Anti-God," he would be it, but the concept of Gods didn't settle with Andros. Despite what these creatures that existed outside time and space though, they were no better than him. Andros fell to one knee and bowed in respect, however. This... Taboo, was one of the most powerful beings in existence.

"To cause the heavens to fall would be the end of everything. To end the struggle between order and chaos, the solution to an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Absolute ending to all life, all matter, all entropy. The fulfillment of the destiny of everything... nothingness. Are you, murder of billions, capable of causing absolute end?"

"With your permission, I'll murder the entire omniverse." Andros allowed himself a smile.

Victor and Moirés were prisoners their entire lives. Although Cortex didn't know it, they were the first of his "pets" to gain sentience, but by accident. In his adolescence, Cortex had stolen a Power Gem from the principle of Madame Amberly's Academy and sought to learn from that mystic rock, which was older than time itself. In his blunderings he managed to discover an ability that was only supposed to be used by Gods themselves, the ability to traverse the multiverse. He sent his poor pet birds to another universe. This "Earth" was very different from the one these pets had called their homes. Anthropomorphism hadn't abruptly ended like it did on their old Earth, it carried on into modernity. The portal that brought Victory and Moirés to this dimension ripped through a young teenager's dorm room and scared the ever living hell out of him. He placed those birds into a cage and tried to come up with the reason as to why a portal had suddenly opened right next to him. Once those two birds started talking, Ivo Robotnik soon got his answers.

"Wily, I rescued you from prison and hired you for the specific reason of helping me with Cybernetics. You were once the best friend of my largest competitor. And now you're telling me I that your incapable of resuscitating my greatest creation!"

"Dr. Robotnik, I create androids, not cyborgs. This antro's body is far too damaged by radiation, singed flesh and tissue, and loss of blood. It's a miracle he's still alive."

"Well he ran fast, just not fast enough" Robotnik replied snarky.

"Are you planning on 'Roboticizing' the creature, Robotnik?" A rather unusual bird said from a cage.

"I didn't know you had pets, Ivo" Wily said sarcastically. "I though you would have ate them or killed them for enjoyment."

"Those two 'mocking birds' are of a significant importance to me."

"The Roboticiz Protocol was an idea of mine." The bird replied confidently.

"Mine too!" The other said rather childishly.

"The 'Roboticiz Protocol' is my invention since it is named after me, Victor." Robotnik said rather annoyed.

"You're a rather intelligent if not prideful man, Robotnik. But you've been blessed by using our wisdom. But it's not like me and my brother has a choice" Victor replied.

"You're lucky your still alive you vermin! Now do not interrupt me and my colleague, or you'll regret it."

"No matter what you say or what you do, Robotnik, you will always be outmatched by an uncanny hero of your own creation because of your pride. You may be the smartest human on this planet, but you lack the one trait for success. Ruthlessness and absolute devotion. A purpose."

Victor would regret his outburst, but Robotnik could never kill him or his brother, they were too valuable. And this, would lead to Robotnik's downfall. Once Victor had his revenge on him, Cortex was next. All he had to do was get back to he and his brother's home universe, and the Chaos Emeralds would be their ticket back. Until then, he and his brother would have to wait until Robotnik and Wily fell to Sonic and Mega Man.

Crash and Spyro will meet again, and this time, the omniverse will be at stake.

Coming Soon: 

>Sonic and Mega Man, A Journey of Uncanny Heroes

>Nintendoverse, Heroes Unite

>Omniverse, The Final Destination

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