Chapter 6: Because of Good Intentions

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This is a story about two heroes who go and save the day. There are themes and motives immortalized in greater literature than this that tell the tales of epic heroes who also go on and save the day. These heroes have faults and tragedy in their lives. But they overcome these faults, they rise over adversity, they use the pain of loss as a weapon, pushing them forward to accomplish more than they ever could before. What the audience may sometimes forget is that when the hero wins and saves the day, they still have deal with losing those who have left them.

GNASTY Gnork had been raised to hate Dragons. This belief was bestowed upon him by his father. Gnasty's father told him of how the Gnorks and the Dragons had once lived in harmony throughout the entire world, but a thousand years ago, this changed when a war between the Dragons and the Dinopotamuses occurred. The Dragons were defeated after a long and valiant effort, and were forced, along with the Gnorks, to seek refuge in the most distant and secluded islands from the Forgotten Realms, his peoples former home. As time moved on, the consummation between the Gnorks and the Dragons eroded, as they began imposing their will upon the Gnorks; the Council of Elder Dragons decreed that this island, now known as the Realm of the Gnorks, was to be his race's home, and that the rest were to be inhabited by the Dragons. Dragons were arrogant and selfish creatures. What right did they have dictate how the Gnorks should live? Do they feel as if they are superior creatures? His hatred for the Dragon's increased as his people's constant requests for better treatment and more rights fell upon deaf ears. Well enough was enough; the Gnorks will be oppressed no more. How sweet it is then that a Dragon and the Sorceress herself will be there downfall.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The Sorceress appeared before Gnasty in his grand castle, home of the Gnork's Parliament. She wore a majestic crown upon her head, a white ruff on her neck, and a royal cape which draped her back. She cared a grandiose scepter with a large purple gem presiding on the end. She commanded respect as she strode towards Gnork's throne.

"Welcome, Sorceress, to the Realm of the Gnorks." Gnasty got of his thrown and bowed before the Sorceress, showing his respect.

The portal in which the Sorceress and some of her subjects appeared from collapsed. The red Dragon that had open the portal lowered his hands and tried to catch his breath, for the process had fatigued him.

"Quite the kingdom you have here, Gnasty. Loyal subjects, grand castles and a fine military. I'm so glad you requested my audience. As I'm sure you're well aware, it is very difficult for me to enter the Dragon Realms or your Realm. However, it seems as if you've found a Dragon who's willing to finally answer my invitation."

"Yes, it was this Dragon who came to me with the idea of bringing you here, Sorceress."

The old Dragon stepped forth after he finished panting and greeted the Sorceress.

"My name is Red, and I am a member of the Council of Elder Dragons. I have requested your audience along with Gnasty's, despite our race's, 'history,' for I have a proposition to make you." Red concentrated for a moment, and then black aura started to surround him.

"Ah," Said the Sorceress intriguingly, "I see you've become familiar with Dinopotamus' form of dark magic. How does it feel, Red, having that kind of power coursing through your body?"

"It's... magnificent!" Red said, smiling deviously. "I now understand how you can achieve immorality and wield such raw magic! The power is intoxicating, and I must have more. However, the flow of this dark magic into the Dragon Realms is limited because of the barrier my ancestors created to keep you out, Sorceress."

"Yes. The magic you and I wield is very powerful, indeed. It is the reason The Dragons and the Dinopotamuses fought all those years ago, for control over this magic via the Power Gems." A similar dark aura to Red's began to form around her.

The Sorceress was only partially telling the truth. The magic that Red and the Sorceress are wielding is not evil by nature, but reflects the soul of the manipulator. The Dragons did not want to control this magic, but instead to govern its use, to avoid having its power being used by the wrong person. For whoever could wield the awesome power that emanated from the Power Gems scattered across the planet controlled that planet's fate. And the closer the gems were brought towards each other, the more of their energy could be syphoned into a wielder. The purple gem attached to the Sorcerer's scepter was one such power gem.

Gnasty could only watch as these two immensely powerful beings, both of whom were supposed to be his sworn enemies, were demonstrating their awesome command of magic.

"Eh, eh hem. Sorceress, if I may interject for a moment, could we begin to discuss our bargain?"

The Sorceress turned her head with a ferocious look on her face. Gnasty hoped he didn't just make a mistake. But then she calmed down and turned fully to face Gnasty.

"Oh, where are my manners? Yes, Gnasty, your hatred for the Dragons will become your greatest weapon. I now bestow upon you the power you need to exact your revenge upon the Dragon's." The Sorceress raised her scepter towards the Gnork. The dark aura returned around the Sorceress as she began to channel the gem's magic through her body, morphing it and commanding it as if it was her own. A dark beam of concentrated magic then struck Gnork, and he recoiled backwards. At first he tough the Sorceress was trying to kill him, but then he started to feel the effects of what this new power was doing to his body. He began to transform, his figure grew in size, his skin color became darker green and his horns enlarged. After about forty seconds, his metamorphosis was complete."

"I have now given you the ability to channel my dark magic through your body, along with providing you with the knowledge on how to unleash a spell that will cripple the Dragon population by turning them into solid crystalline statues. You will unleash this spell at a little past midday a week from now, once the Council of Elders meeting has started in Artisan's Realm. Red will then uses his new found magic to break the seal protecting the Dragon Realms, and then I will be able to transport your armies, Gnasty, to the five other Realms instantly. You will have this Realm and the liberation of your people by the end of the week."

Gnasty laughed manically with his new body. By the end of the week, he would free his people at last.

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