Chapter 20: Extinguishing the Flame

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IGNITUS was bounded to the floor, unable to move and just on the verge of death. If he knew is history, he currently was in the former home of the Dragons, the Forgotten Realms. This castle he was in was once one of the greatest architectural achievements of his ancestors, but now it belonged to the Sorceress. Spyro had escaped through the portal in Avalar and made it back to Artisans, but the same could not be said for Ignitus who had been teleported here by the Sorceress once she was done in Avalar. The Sorceress stood several feet in front of him, smiling as she continued to torture her new captive.

"Face it, Ignitus. No matter how long you stall, I will find out where the Dragon Realms are. I've waited a thousand years trying to figure out where you cowardly Dragons are pathetically hiding, I can wait a few more. And to think it is because of the stupidity and arrogance of you own brother that I have you here and am this close to finally exterminating the Dragon race."

"I will... never... tell."

"Oh of course you'd say that. It's unfortunate for you that I can't read your mind, not even with this purple gem. It could make this a whole lot less painful and time consuming. Now, if I had the other six gems in my possession, maybe I could. Or I could just rip through that infernal barrier masking the location of the Dragon Realms from me and already be done with you. But I guess I don't always get what I want, which puts me in a bad mood. If it wasn't for you brother being the weakling and deserter he is, I might have both of you and all seven Power Gems at my disposal. But he ran off with the six gems and abandoned you. Oh it must hurt you to know that your brother cares more about power than his own family."

Ignitus could only stare at the floor. Malefor had abandoned him. He knew that he couldn't defeat the Sorceress, so he ran off with the Gems while she was distracted by Ignitus destroying the portal to Artisans and left him.

"Now you could argue that he regrettably ran off with the gems in order to keep them away from me while you nobly kept me distracted, but you and I both know that just isn't true."

Ignitus knew she was right. The gems had corrupted Malefor, and he was just as ruthless and dangerous as the Sorceress.

"It's a shame, too. I've always been shown that it is my destiny to lose to a purple Dragon, one who can wield the power of the Power Gems righteously. But I guess your brother just wasn't cut out for the job. So I guess that leaves the young purple dragon that you helped escape to the Dragon Realms. He packs quite the punch for such a young Dragon, which will make it all the more satisfying when I rip his wings from his back while he squirms in agony!"

His son wasn't ready to confront the Sorceress, and it was very possible that the Sorceress could find and defeat Malefor in order to have all seven Power Gems. But Ignitus knew that even till his dying breath, he would do anything he could to keep this monster away from his son.

"My son... can defeat... you."

"Oh he can, can't he? Well why don't you tell me how to get to him, and we can have our rematch. I'm sure the toddler is ready for it, since you seem so confident. Oh that's right, you don't know of another way to get to the Dragon Realms. You destroyed the only portal you know of that's in Avalar. However, I don't believe you. So I'm going to ask you again, Dragon. How can I get to Artisans?"

"Fuck... you."

"Feisty even in death. Let's both hope your son has the same fire in him." The Sorceress lowered her scepter towards the dying Dragon and black lightning covered Ignitus. He was enveloped in pain all across his body, and this latest shock almost finished him off, but the Sorceress stopped before he could die.

"Quite remarkable you've lived this long. Dragons have always surprised me. They never seem to know when to die!" She hit him again with the dark lightning, and again Ignitus experienced the worst pain imaginable. It lasted for thirty seconds before the Sorceress stopped. Ignitus could barely breath, his skin was torched and burning in several places, it hurt to move. Both his wings were already broken before he was teleported to the Sorceress' castle. He was running out of time on this Earth.

"I'm starting to think you either truly don't know how to get back to the Dragon Realms, or are willing to die with in order to withhold the information from me. I've always hated martyrs. Well, let me leave you with this, Ignitus. I will find your brother, I will murder him and take his Power Gems, I will find the Dragon Realms, and when I finally meet your son once again, I'll be sure to let him know what I did to you."

Ignitus thought back to that vision he had of his son all those years ago, of how he smiled at him innocently and full of compassion. He knew that he could do this, accomplish what his uncle had failed at, and stop the Sorceress from ruling this world. The end of the Sorceress scepter pierced through Ignitus' chest and intercepted his heart. The sorceress stared in joy at the dead Dragon beneath her feet. It had been so long since she killed one.

Crash and Spyro, A Friendship Across LifetimesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora