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ALRIGHT ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, welcome to the unofficial and most likely inaccurate halfway point of the Crash and Spyro, A Friendship Across Lifetimes story. If you've made it this far, I thank your continued support and interest in this story. I've had a blast writing it, considering I literally write each chapter, proofread it (my best, anyway), and submit it to DeviantArt and in the same day. I was majorly concerned with running into writer's block, catching myself into a plothole, or just becoming fatiguing with the story. But so far, so good (hopefully, that's primarily your opinion).

And before I forget, Check out Brittin Robert's Deviant Art channel! She illustrated the cover for this story and her artwork is fantastic. I highly recommend checking out her DeviantArt channel if you haven't already, especially if you're a huge fan of Crash and Spyro like I am. I'll certainly post a link to the cover here once it's complete, along with loading it to chapter 1.

Okay, first order of business; I need to take this time to explain a concept I've been exploiting in this story but haven't thoroughly explained to you. There are four distinct "eras" of time that will be present in this story, and they result from two timelines that occur because of Crash's time travel. So far, you've completely read through one "quadrant" of the story, Crash's solo story that takes place around now. This era takes place one hundred thousand years after the second (but first chronologically) era of time in this story where Spyro has his solo adventure. Chapters 2, 4, 6, 14, most of chapter 17, 20, and a few snippets from chapter 24 fall under this timeframe. For part two of this story (from now on), I will alternate between what happens to Spyro without Crash ever being sent to his time and the third "era" of this story: Crash and Spyro's adventures together. There is also the forth era, but I'll wait to actually present that to you in the story (just think "red notebook" for now).

Next order of business, I'm going to elaborate on that strange delusion that Nefarious Tropy had, because it has the potential to cause some huge changes to this... omniverse I'm writing in. He mentions something called the "orrery of worlds." This is essentially the omniverse (the words are synonymous), and in this orrery consists of an unknown amount of individual universes, each of which are separated by a trans-dimensional "force" which keeps the universes mutually exclusive from one another. Basically there is no interaction between the universes, and Crash and Spyro are on an earth which resides in one universe in the orrery. However, N Tropy and Cortex hypothesize that the Power Gems have the ability to breach the barrier keeping worlds apart and allow them to travel through the multiverse, similar to the way they can use the gems to traverse time. If your mind is already jumping to conclusions about what this news means, that's good. All I'm going to tell you is that this "multiverse" stuff won't affect this particular story in the slightest. But it will come into play in the next story I'm planning to start after this one. Stay tuned for more info (and , keep your mouth closed =])!

Lastly, I need to address some mistakes I've made in this story. Crash says he was in his era of time for four years before he was sent to the past, but the math doesn't add up. It's actually been around two years. This won't be too big of a problem to fix, but just know that I realized I screwed up on that detail. Also, towards the beginning of the story, I apparently couldn't make up my mind on whether the rocks I keep talking about are called Power Crystals or Power Gems. Well, there are only seven of these gems, and I decided to stick with Power Gems as their title, though the two names are interchangeable (I guess).

Thank you again for taking the time to read my fan fiction story about two awesome gaming characters with the most drastic alterations to their canon you may ever have read (probably not though, I mean, have you seen the artwork shipping this two). Part 2 of Crash and Spyro, A Friendship Across Lifetimes is on the way! And here's to these two gaming icons getting proper games in 2016, so I don't have to write about them to keep them relevant.

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