Chapter 28: A New Family

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Thomas and Magnus welcomed Spyro into the Senate Building and asked him to sit down. They each then chose a seat. It was the next day after Spyro, Cynder, and Crash had been at the beach. Despite Spyro and Cynder saying they were willing to explain his situation to the Dragons of Artisans, Crash said he didn't really mind not being credited with helping save their lives.

"But what did these two Elders want with me?" Spyro thought. Thomas and Magnus had been at his bedside when he woke up yesterday, and they had said that the council wanted to speak with him once he was feeling one hundred percent. When Spyro and Cynder were spying on their last meeting, Crash had appeared via some sort of "bubble" and interrupted this meeting. "Was it possible they wanted to ask me about what I know of Crash?" Spyro thought to himself. "Then that would mean they knew Crash and I knew each other. And if they knew that, did they know I was spying on their last meeting?" Spyro was a little nervous once Thomas starting the meeting.

"Spyro, after what you've done for the Dragon community, Magnus and I first want to thank you for you valiant heroics. And, this council feels as if you are ready to know the answers to the questions you seek."

"Question's I seek?" Spyro thought. Defiantly not the direction he thought this meeting was going to go in. He had wondered a lot about himself as he was growing up, and mentioned his concerns to his friends Flame, Ember, and most recently Cynder. Spyro always felt different then his peers and the added focus of his teachers and mentors weren't helpful to alleviate his awkwardness. There was Sparx, the only Dragonfly Spyro has ever seen, and Spyro's skin color, the only purple Dragon in Artisans. There was the whole "Forgotten Realms" rumor that no one seemed to know anything about. And then there was his dream he had in the Peace Keepers Realm. It was so vivid, like it was a memory. Who was Ignitus, the other purple Dragon, and that strange looking creature with the scepter who destroyed that town he was in. "Summer Falls," Spyro thought the place was called. Where was he supposed to start, and would these Elder Dragons really answer all of his questions, or would they give him the run around. There was only one way to find out.

"I have a lot of questions, and they have been bothering me for a while. I've always had a sneaking suspicion about this, so I'll ask this question first. Why am I the only purple Dragon in Artisans, and why does it seem to mean something?"

The Elder Dragons looked at each other for a moment, and Thomas proceeded to answer the question.

"Purple represents the mark of a Dragon who can wield all forms of elemental and meta-physical magic. It is for this reason that you have received special attention during your lessons. It is a rare and unique ability to you Spyro."

Special, hugh. The answer didn't really shock Spyro, he had pretty much guessed this several months ago, but it was reassuring to finally here it from someone else. "All forms of elemental and meta-physical magic, what did that mean, though." Spyro thought. Ah well, Spyro had more pressing questions.

"Alright, next, why does Sparx follow me around and why is he the only Dragonfly in Artisans." Crash had told Spyro about Sparx when they had first met. Apparently Crash's talisman on his necklace, "Aku-Aku" knew about Sparx, so it couldn't hurt to see if the Elders also knew who Sparx was and why he followed Spyro around.

This question seemed to be a little more difficult for the Elder's to answer, since they took a little longer to answer this then with Spyro's first question. Thomas again answered.

"Sparx is the last Dragonfly alive. A special consummation between Dragonflies and Dragons has existed since the dawn of both species. However, Sparx remains as the only living Dragonfly, and he chose to be your Guardian because of your connection with elemental and meta-physical magic."

Sparx was the only Dragonfly alive? Spyro looked at Sparx, who, as usual, was hovering to his flank. It felt reassuring to know that their friendship wasn't accidental, but had purpose. Plus Sparx had brought him from the brink of death once and healed him another time. So there was that.

Spyro took a deep breath before asking his next question. He felt as if this question may not be answered, considering how secretive Spyro thought this group was, but they said they were going to answer any question he had, and he was going to test that theory.

"Okay. When I was traveling to Gnasty Gnork's realm, I had a dream in Peace Keeper's Realm. I was four years old, and followed a Dragon named Ignitus through Artisan's portal to a place known as Avalar. I meet some creatures other than Dragons, and their village was almost destroyed by another purple dragon and a creature known as the Sorceress. Was this a dream or reality?"

As Spyro expected, Thomas, was shaken by this question. Magnus looked at Thomas, then at Spyro. He answered this question instead of Thomas.

"It was not a dream, Spyro." Magnus looked at Thomas again, and then proceeded to answer Spyro's question. "Outside of the Realm of the Dragons rests a place known as Avalar, which is a vast area filled with an abundance of different creatures that call that place home. The place you visited is known as Summer Falls. Ignitus went to Summer Falls that night to confront his brother, the purple Dragon you saw in your dream. Like you, Malefor has a special connection to elemental magic. However, Malefor also sought to wield the raw power of seven Power Gems that grant its wielders incredible power. This power corrupted him, and he stopped at nothing to obtain those Gems, even if it meant killing innocent Dragons or other beings in his way. Malefor intended to confront and kill the Sorceress, the same creature you saw in your dream. The Sorceress millennia ago waged a war with us Dragons over possession of the Power Gems, and though she succeeded in driving the Dragons out of the Forgotten Realms, our ancestors were able to take six of her seven Power Gems away from her. But Malefor stole five of the gems in the five Dragon Realms and the sixth that was in Avalar and planned to kill the Sorceress with those gems and the one the Sorceress herself has. Thomas and I do not know what happened to Ignitus and Malefor after they went to Avalar, we only know that you followed them there and came back, with the portal on the other end destroyed. You couldn't remember this event because the memory was suppressed by me."

Spyro looked at the table before looking at both Thomas and Magnus somewhat angrily. "Ignitus was my best friend growing up. I wanted to be just like him, I wanted to go on adventures with him and explore the world with him. He meant everything to me growing up. I... loved him. And I had that taken away from me, both by the Sorceress and by you. I can only pray he's still alive, but I doubt it. Thanks for the knowledge Elders; I think I've heard enough, though."

Spyro got out of his chair and began to walk out of the Senate Building before Thomas stopped him.

"Spyro wait, there is something else I have to tell you." Thomas got out of his chair and walked toward Spyro. Spyro stopped, giving the Elder a chance to speak his mind. "Ignitus and Malefor... are my sons. And since they vanished six years ago, I haven't had had a family since. That's because Dragon customs have also kept this secret from you which I think you should know. Ignitus... is your father, Spyro. It's why he also loved you and most likely sacrificed himself to get you out of Summer Falls."

The news broke through Spyro's hardened exterior and he began to shed a tear. Ignitus was really his family, like Crash had said to him in the Peace Keeper's Realm. Could he have also known? "No", Spyro thought.

Thomas Knelt down in front of his grandson, with Magnus close behind. "Like my son, I have confidence that you will grow up to be the Dragon that finally defeats the Sorceress. I have all the faith in the world that you can do it, with Sparx accompanying you, and maybe with your new friend, too."

Spyro looked up at his grandfather with tears pooling in his eyes. He did know about Crash?

"I know that you didn't confront Gnasty Gnork alone; but had help from your new friend. Just know that I trust him as much as you trust him, though it may be hard to convince the rest of the Dragons."

"He is a hero, Thomas" Spyro responded. "He's saved my life twice, but doesn't even want the recognition or acceptance of Artisans. He's from the future, and he's told me all about his life there. So many tragic things have happened to him, yet he continues to fight for everyone but himself. It's... inspirational. Thank you for telling me about my father, Thomas."

"Your welcome, Spyro."

Thomas and Spyro hugged each other, the third time Spyro had ever been hugged. They both had tears in their eyes.

Crash and Spyro, A Friendship Across LifetimesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα