Chapter 37: Intercepted

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Author's Note: A continuation of chapter 34. Crash and Spyro are at Dragon Shores, a different beach than the island the Professor's secret laboratory is located at.

CRASH watched the sun slowly rise over the horizon, lost upon his thoughts. It was only a week ago that he was lost in a spiraling depression. He had to thank Spyro for helping him climb out of that hole. But now as he was pondering so early in the morning, all he could think about was his vision. He had it again while he was asleep, and this time it shocked him awake. It left him rattled; he walked outside of his and the Dragon's hut and proceeded to the beach. Aku-Aku's eyes were mildly glowing, which usually was a sign for something... But surprisingly, Sparx had also followed him outside and was trailing him to the beach. His presences, though unexpected, was comforting. His demeanor and warming glow just made you feel happier. Crash could understand why Spyro had grown to love this little guy, but why was he following me? Crash of course had to be thankful for the Dragonfly, for he had saved his life months ago. But Sparx also is the trigger for Crash to see visions in the past. And as he looked softly at the Dragonfly now, he again was pounded with a vision; he collapsed to his knees, hands firmly on his head to do something to alleviate his headache. It didn't last long nor was it very clear, but Crash could understand what this vision implied. It was the Sorceress, and something to do with him and Sparx being the cause of... change. The vision was too hazy to pick up on details. After that, he saw the red notebook again, and this time he could make out the title: "Atlas". The reverie subsided, and he was left clearheaded yet a little groggy on the beach.

He sat still on the beach for five minutes, taking in the warm glow of the sun as it rose further into the sky with Aku-Aku and Sparx accompanying him. Crash could hear a door open the footsteps of four feet making their way towards the beach. It was Spyro. "There you are, Sparx, I was wondering where you went. Yawn! What are you doing up so early, Crash?" Spyro was rubbing his eyes as Crash contemplated telling Spyro the truth or not. Crash still wasn't sure if what he saw meant what he thought it meant. That red notebook worried him as much as his vision of the Sorceress, because apparently he reads the Atlas in the future, the distant future. Sparx flew off Crash's shoulder and resumed flying around Spyro, energetic and making full circles around the young Dragon he called brother. Sparx's energy put Crash's mind at rest. The future was the future, no need in worrying about it too much. "I thought you only watched the sunset, Crash? Being up this early can't be easy."

"I guess I couldn't sleep today" Crash responded with his SAD.

"Thinking about your pa... future again?" Spyro asked a little worriedly.

"No. More about our future."

"Our future? You're not going to propose, are you?"

Crash laughed at that remark, and Spyro was at ease again. "I love you Spyro." Crash's pause between this sentence and his next caused Spyro to be a little nervous, "but like a brother." Spyro nudged him with his front paw and joined him on the beach. And although they both were joking, them being a family wasn't. Crash hand meant what he said, and he knew that Spyro understood. They didn't say anything after that for a minute, and then Crash resumed conversation. "I was thinking about the Sorceress, Spyro." This gained one hundred percent of Spyro's attention as he snapped his head towards Crash. "It's been a while since you defeated Gnasty..."

"We defeated Gnasty."

"Since we defeated Gnasty. But Dionaca is still alive. She is still a major threat. And she's powerful."

"Who? You mean the Sorceress?"

Crash was refereeing to the Sorceress, but why did he call her Dionaca? Must of had something to do with the vision, Crash then recalled. Sparx appeared in Crash's peripheral vision, and upon looking at him, felt thoughts appear in his head about the near future. Again he saw it, Spyro and the Sorceress, going at it... the darkness about it. He could feel what Dark Spyro was. It worried him, and apparently he was going to, supposed to change it somehow.

"Crash, you look terrified." Spyro said, which snapped Crash out of his thoughts.

"I'm worried for you. That's all."

Spyro looked at Crash, this time with a smile. "I look forward to that day, Crash. When I finally put an end to her reign and avenge my people. And who knows, you might even be there to help."

Crash doubted he could do anything useful against a being that powerful. The doubt triggered a though, the Sorceress derives power from the Gems. Aku-Aku must have being communicating with him, it felt like it his presence in his mind. At the Time Twister Machine... the... convexity. That was the change.

Spyro, Cynder, Flame, Ember, and Crash had gone to the portal in Magic Crafter's realm once it was around noon, ready to go home. Magnus was there to see them off. Spyro and Magnus exchanged a few words, and then Spyro activated the portal and set the destination as Artisans.

"I've got to say Spyro, a vacation was a pretty good idea" Flame said as they were ready to return home.

"A change in scenery just has a way of letting you unwind" Ember responded.

"And I'm glad this vacation to Dragon Shores was as relaxing as promised. Thanks again for the suggestion, Magnus."

"Don't thank me Spyro," Magnus replied kindly, "the idea was Thomas'."

Although Thomas was not supposed to have revealed to Spyro that he was his grandfather, having someone around who knew and loved Ignitus as much as he did made his absence bearable.

The group walked into the portal.

Crash and Spyro, A Friendship Across LifetimesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant