Author's Note

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    This isn't a chapter, but I just want to stop and say thank you. I know I haven't done a author's note in a while, but since I have 1.78k+  reads I thought it was necessary. Thank you all for your loving support. When I post a chapter that I think is really terrible and shouldn't  have been posted, you guys brighten up my day with the comments and votes. I'm honored with all of the comments saying, "Update soon"  or "I love your stories so much". You guys surely don't know how much I appreciate it.

     To everyone who has been there since Artificial Love, you guys are the best and thank you for sticking with me. You guys were the roots to everything and you've helped me continue my writing journey. To everyone who has been there since Two Sides (the story I have yet to finish), you guys are also the best and thank you. I know I'm slacking on that one, but I'm thinking of starting that one all over and make it 1000x better for you guys. To everyone that's been there for Darling, thank you and thank you, and you're also the best. I'll try to finish that one soon and hopefully I'll be able to create more short stories like that. And for everyone that's just joining my journey, welcome and thank you for spending your time reading and laughing along with me.

     I wanna try to go ahead and finish another story, so what I need you guys to do is comment on what story I should finish first and why. The story options are Two Sides and Darling, so go ahead and start choosing, so I can get myself together. Just know that without you guys, I don't know what I would be doing with my life. I love you all so much and the next part of Nudes is coming soon.

- With all of my love,

NUDES ↳ MAX SCHNEIDERWhere stories live. Discover now